半导体行业观察 · 2020年08月18日




公告指出,商务部工业与安全局(BIS)今天进一步限制了华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies)及其在实体名单上的非美国关联公司对使用美国技术和软件在国内外生产的产品的访问权限。

此外,BIS在实体清单中又增加了38个华为分支机构,对所有受出口管理条例(EAR)约束的项目都规定了许可证要求,并修改了四个现有的华为实体列表条目。国际清算银行还对涉及实体清单上的当事方(例如华为(或其他实体清单实体)充当购买方,中间用户或最终用户)的涉及商务出口管制管辖范围内的项目的任何交易施加许可证要求。这些措施立即生效,这阻止了华为规避美国限制而从其他厂商处获得使用美国技术开发芯片的可能 。





商务部长威尔伯·罗斯(Wilbur Ross)表示:“华为及其外国分支机构已经加大了努力,以获取使用美国软件和技术开发或生产的先进半导体。” “由于我们限制了其使用美国技术的机会,因此华为及其关联公司已通过第三方合作,以破坏美国国家安全和外交政策利益的方式利用美国技术。这种多管齐下的行动表明了我们对阻止华为这样做的持续承诺。”


Huawei Cloud Computing Technology;

Huawei Cloud Beijing;

Huawei Cloud Dalian;

Huawei Cloud Guangzhou;

Huawei Cloud Guiyang;

Huawei Cloud Hong Kong;

Huawei Cloud Shanghai;

Huawei Cloud Shenzhen;

Huawei OpenLab Suzhou;

Wulanchabu Huawei Cloud Computing Technology;

Huawei Cloud Argentina;

Huawei Cloud Brazil;

Huawei Cloud Chile;

Huawei OpenLab Cairo;

Huawei Cloud France;

Huawei OpenLab Paris;

Huawei Cloud Berlin;

Huawei OpenLab Munich;

Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH;

Huawei OpenLab Delhi; Toga Networks;

Huawei Cloud Mexico;

Huawei OpenLab Mexico City;

Huawei Technologies Morocco;

Huawei Cloud Netherlands;

Huawei Cloud Peru; Huawei Cloud Russia;

Huawei OpenLab Moscow;

Huawei Cloud Singapore;

Huawei OpenLab Singapore;

Huawei Cloud South Africa;

Huawei OpenLab Johannesburg;

Huawei Cloud Switzerland;

Huawei Cloud Thailand;

Huawei OpenLab Bangkok;

Huawei OpenLab Istanbul;

Huawei OpenLab Dubai;

Huawei Technologies R&D UK


针对这个公告,美国半导体行业联盟表示, 我们仍在审查该规则,但是对商业芯片销售的这些广泛限制将给美国半导体行业带来重大破坏。对于政府突然的转变,我们感到惊讶和担忧。我们重申我们的观点,向中国销售不敏感的商业产品将推动美国半导体研究和创新,这对美国的经济实力和国家安全至关重要。



移动芯片开发商联发科,图像传感器供应商索尼,传感器供应商意法半导体以及主要的存储器芯片制造商三星电子,SK Hynix,Kioxia,Nanya Tech以及许多亚洲,欧洲和国内的中国芯片开发商可能都必须遵守相关规则,法律专家和市场观察家表示,因为这些芯片开发涉及美国软件和技术。

美国律师事务所奥里克(Orrick)的执行合伙人哈里·克拉克(Harry Clark)告诉日经新闻,新规定主要针对向指定的华为实体供应外国制造的芯片,“但这些规定可适用于半导体以外的产品。”


一位了解此事的供应链高管告诉日经新闻:“在五月份的裁决之后,华为已经测试了各种不同的移动芯片平台,包括联发科和高通的平台。” “它不想放弃来之不易的智能手机业务。”


但是随着周一禁令的发布,这个限制范围现在扩大到涉及美国软件或技术的任何芯片,无论是定制半导体还是标准化半导体,预计最新禁令将再次扰乱供应链。几乎世界上所有关键的芯片开发商都需要美国芯片设计工具来设计芯片,以及美国许多其他公司的芯片制造工具来制造这些半导体。新限制的范围可能会扩展到其他重要的电子零件,例如显示面板,因为世界上大多数显示器仍需要美国材料供应商(例如Corning,3M以及设备制造商Applied Materials)作为基本工具。

资深贸易和出口控制法律律师,律师事务所Akin Gump的合伙人Kavin Wolf对《日经新闻》表示:“如果华为公司以任何方式参与进来,世界上任何地方的任何外国制造的半导体现在都必须遵守美国的许可要求。直接或间接地在交易中。”

强生投资(J&J Investment)首席投资官,瑞银(UBS)资深技术分析师郑宗智(Jonah Cheng)告诉日经新闻:“华为已经建立了短期所需的库存,因此最新的禁令不会对这家中国公司产生直接影响。”


The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in the Department of Commerce (Commerce) today further restricted access by Huawei Technologies (Huawei) and its non-U.S. affiliates on the Entity List to items produced domestically and abroad from U.S. technology and software. In addition, BIS added another 38 Huawei affiliates to the Entity List, which imposes a license requirement for all items subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and modified four existing Huawei Entity List entries. BIS also imposed license requirements on any transaction involving items subject to Commerce export control jurisdiction where a party on the Entity List is involved, such as when Huawei (or other Entity List entities) acts as a purchaser, intermediate, or end user. These actions, effective immediately, prevent Huawei’s attempts to circumvent U.S. export controls to obtain electronic components developed or produced using U.S. technology.

In May 2020, BIS amended the longstanding foreign-produced direct product (FDP) rule to target Huawei’s acquisition of semiconductors that are the direct product of certain U.S. software and technology. Today’s amendment further refines the FDP rule by applying the control to transactions: 1) where U.S. software or technology is the basis for a foreign-produced item that will be incorporated into, or will be used in the “production” or “development” of any “part,” “component,” or “equipment” produced, purchased, or ordered by any Huawei entity on the Entity List; or 2) when any Huawei entity on the Entity List is a party to such a transaction, such as a “purchaser,” “intermediate consignee,” “ultimate consignee,” or “end-user.”

This amendment further restricts Huawei from obtaining foreign made chips developed or produced from U.S. software or technology to the same degree as comparable U.S. chips.

“Huawei and its foreign affiliates have extended their efforts to obtain advanced semiconductors developed or produced from U.S. software and technology。” said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. “As we have restricted its access to U.S. technology, Huawei and its affiliates have worked through third parties to harness U.S. technology in a manner that undermines U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. This multi-pronged action demonstrates our continuing commitment to impede Huawei’s ability to do so.”

The following 38 new Huawei affiliates across 21 countries were added to the Entity List because they present a significant risk of acting on Huawei’s behalf contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. There is reasonable cause to believe that Huawei otherwise would seek to use them to evade the restrictions imposed by the Entity List.

Huawei Cloud Computing Technology; Huawei Cloud Beijing; Huawei Cloud Dalian; Huawei Cloud Guangzhou; Huawei Cloud Guiyang; Huawei Cloud Hong Kong; Huawei Cloud Shanghai; Huawei Cloud Shenzhen; Huawei OpenLab Suzhou; Wulanchabu Huawei Cloud Computing Technology; Huawei Cloud Argentina; Huawei Cloud Brazil; Huawei Cloud Chile; Huawei OpenLab Cairo; Huawei Cloud France; Huawei OpenLab Paris; Huawei Cloud Berlin; Huawei OpenLab Munich; Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH; Huawei OpenLab Delhi; Toga Networks; Huawei Cloud Mexico; Huawei OpenLab Mexico City; Huawei Technologies Morocco; Huawei Cloud Netherlands; Huawei Cloud Peru; Huawei Cloud Russia; Huawei OpenLab Moscow; Huawei Cloud Singapore; Huawei OpenLab Singapore; Huawei Cloud South Africa; Huawei OpenLab Johannesburg; Huawei Cloud Switzerland; Huawei Cloud Thailand; Huawei OpenLab Bangkok; Huawei OpenLab Istanbul; Huawei OpenLab Dubai; and Huawei Technologies R&D UK

The Temporary General License (TGL) has now expired. This rule further protects U.S. national security and foreign policy interests by making a limited permanent authorization for the Huawei entities on the Entity List. This limited authorization is for the sole purpose of providing ongoing security research critical to maintaining the integrity and reliability of existing and currently “fully operational networks” and equipment.

In a concurrent rule, BIS revised the Entity List to require a license when a party on the Entity List acts as a purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, or end user to an EAR transaction. This aligns with the additional restrictions imposed in the revisions to the FDP, when any of the Huawei entities on the Entity List are a party to the transaction, such as by acting as purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, or end user.

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