Profiler 通过从多个层面、多个维度统计模型执行过程中的OP运行时间,从而为进一步优化模型提供直接的性能数据来源。
场景一:XLNet 混合精度性能优化
with profiler.profiler('All', 'total') as prof:
-------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
Note! This Report merge all thread info into one.
Place: All
Time unit: ms
Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
Total time: 35377.5
Computation time Total: 32290.3 Ratio: 91.2735%
Framework overhead Total: 3087.21 Ratio: 8.72648%
------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
GpuMemcpy Calls: 6352 Total: 627.243 Ratio: 1.773%
GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 6312 Total: 621.182 Ratio: 1.75587%
GpuMemcpySync Calls: 40 Total: 6.06099 Ratio: 0.0171323%
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
slice_grad 1900 17120.6 16651.581006 (0.972604) 469.040045 (0.027396) 0.16375 92.6487 9.01085 0.48394
slice_grad/compute 1900 17085.3 16616.287107 (0.972547) 469.040045 (0.027453) 0.150132 92.6314 8.99228 0.482943
slice_grad/infer_shape 1900 7.84785 7.847853 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002344 0.131375 0.00413045 0.000221831
slice_grad/prepare_data 1900 3.35192 3.351923 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.00098 0.027065 0.00176417 9.47472e-05
matmul_grad 3720 2403.56 591.410434 (0.246056) 1812.148788 (0.753944) 0.105223 12.9082 0.646118 0.0679402
matmul_grad/compute 3720 2338.72 526.575728 (0.225155) 1812.148788 (0.774845) 0.092585 12.8887 0.628689 0.0661076
matmul_grad/infer_shape 3720 15.3237 15.323685 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002286 0.034366 0.00411927 0.000433147
matmul_grad/prepare_data 3720 5.76746 5.767456 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.000957 0.033173 0.00155039 0.000163026
cast 14600 1651.43 1240.865640 (0.751388) 410.564599 (0.248612) 0.02195 9.75191 0.113112 0.0466802
cast/compute 14600 1499.45 1088.888215 (0.726190) 410.564599 (0.273810) 0.011647 9.74306 0.102702 0.0423843
cast/infer_shape 14600 39.1496 39.149612 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.001536 0.213652 0.00268148 0.00110662
cast/prepare_data 14600 22.4475 22.447455 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.000908 0.130246 0.0015375 0.00063451
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
slice_grad 1900 17120.6 16651.581006 (0.972604) 469.040045 (0.027396) 0.16375 92.6487 9.01085 0.48394
slice_grad/compute 1900 17085.3 16616.287107 (0.972547) 469.040045 (0.027453) 0.150132 92.6314 8.99228 0.482943
slice_grad/infer_shape 1900 7.84785 7.847853 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002344 0.131375 0.00413045 0.000221831
slice_grad/prepare_data 1900 3.35192 3.351923 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.00098 0.027065 0.00176417 9.47472e-05
在发现slice_grad这个OP的计算时间占比异常后,PP同学初步判断slice_grad这个OP 的实现存在问题。继续分析slice_grad这个OP的具体性能数据,发现CPU的实现占比很大(CPU Time (Ratio)),达到97%,看来这个OP中 CPU的某些实现不合理导致了性能问题。确定问题范围后,PP同学快速定位了导致性能瓶颈的代码,对slice_grad这个OP的CPU部分进行优化。重新跑一下,模型训练的整体性能提升了10%,效果不错。
看完这个例子我们再来看一个例子。PP同学最近在研究PaddlePaddle控制流,看了官网的示例之后开始研究一些控制流的性能数据,但是发现这段示例代码GPU运行的性能数据竟然比CPU运行速度要慢,百思不得其解。PP同学想要提升示例的GPU运行速度,于是决定借助Profiler一探究竟,通过startprofiler 和 stopprofiler两个函数接口指定性能分析范围,缩小分析范围有利于提高定位效率。
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.layers as layers
import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler
import time
# 开始Profiler性能分析
def fn_1():
return layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 2], dtype='float32', value=1)
def fn_2():
return layers.fill_constant(shape=[2, 2], dtype='int32', value=2)
def fn_3():
return layers.fill_constant(shape=[3], dtype='int32', value=3)
main_program = fluid.default_startup_program()
startup_program = fluid.default_main_program()
with fluid.program_guard(main_program, startup_program):
x = layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype='float32', value=0.3)
y = layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype='float32', value=0.1)
z = layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype='float32', value=0.2)
pred_1 = layers.less_than(z, x) # true: 0.2 < 0.3
pred_2 = layers.less_than(x, y) # false: 0.3 < 0.1
pred_3 = layers.equal(x, y) # false: 0.3 == 0.1
# 如果pred_1为true则运行fn_1
out_1 = layers.case(
pred_fn_pairs=[(pred_1, fn_1), (pred_2, fn_2)], default=fn_3)
# 此处default 参数为None,当前面条件都不满足的时候会把最后一个分支当成默认分支
out_2 = layers.case(pred_fn_pairs=[(pred_2, fn_2), (pred_3, fn_3)])
exe = fluid.Executor(fluid.CUDAPlace(0))
for i in range(100):
if i > 20:
time_start = time.time()
res_1, res_2 = exe.run(main_program, fetch_list=[out_1, out_2])
time_end = time.time()
print('time cost',time_end-time_start,'s')
# 结束Profiler性能分析
profiler.stop_profiler('total', '/tmp/profile')
print(res_1) # [[1. 1.]]
print(res_2) # [3 3 3]
-------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
Place: All
Time unit: ms
Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
------------------------- Overhead Summary -------------------------
Total time: 104.442
Computation time Total: 38.1497 Ratio: 36.5271%
Framework overhead Total: 66.2927 Ratio: 63.4729%
------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
GpuMemcpy Calls: 1200 Total: 32.5351 Ratio: 31.1512%
GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 800 Total: 20.1238 Ratio: 19.2679%
GpuMemcpySync Calls: 400 Total: 12.4112 Ratio: 11.8833%
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
thread0::conditional_block 400 45.318 43.963987 (0.970122) 1.354010 (0.029878) 0.037256 0.637326 0.113295 0.433904
GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 400 11.8308 11.040198 (0.933176) 0.790586 (0.066824) 0.023449 0.059867 0.029577 0.113276
assign 200 8.0128 7.738432 (0.965759) 0.274368 (0.034241) 0.033865 0.069719 0.040064 0.0767198
GpuMemcpyAsync(same_gpu):GPU->GPU 200 4.55945 4.285085 (0.939824) 0.274368 (0.060176) 0.018909 0.048334 0.0227973 0.0436552
fill_constant 200 7.80007 7.511009 (0.962942) 0.289056 (0.037058) 0.034299 0.083957 0.0390003 0.0746829
thread0::fill_constant 300 13.7209 13.298308 (0.969203) 0.422559 (0.030797) 0.025552 0.31214 0.0457362 0.131373
thread0::select_input 200 13.4918 12.810170 (0.949480) 0.681598 (0.050520) 0.061153 0.095125 0.0674588 0.129179
GpuMemcpySync:GPU->CPU 200 6.69242 6.296225 (0.940800) 0.396191 (0.059200) 0.030713 0.052313 0.0334621 0.0640776
GpuMemcpyAsync(same_gpu):GPU->GPU 200 3.73361 3.448200 (0.923557) 0.285407 (0.076443) 0.016164 0.047654 0.018668 0.035748
thread0::less_than 200 7.32649 7.053690 (0.962765) 0.272799 (0.037235) 0.029206 0.07994 0.0366324 0.0701486
thread0::fetch 200 7.16217 6.766394 (0.944741) 0.395773 (0.055259) 0.031348 0.06381 0.0358108 0.0685753
GpuMemcpySync:GPU->CPU 200 5.71881 5.323041 (0.930795) 0.395773 (0.069205) 0.025997 0.046626 0.0285941 0.0547557
thread0::logical_not 200 7.04657 6.772137 (0.961055) 0.274432 (0.038945) 0.031275 0.054511 0.0352328 0.0674685
thread0::cast 200 7.04549 6.768117 (0.960631) 0.277375 (0.039369) 0.030785 0.068275 0.0352275 0.0674582
thread0::equal 100 3.33104 3.192579 (0.958432) 0.138464 (0.041568) 0.030176 0.053589 0.0333104 0.0318936
PP同学观察性能数据,发现在控制流的OP中有很多CPU<--->GPU 的数据拷贝(GpuMemcpy calls 1200次)
------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
GpuMemcpy Calls: 1200 Total: 32.5351 Ratio: 31.1512%
GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 800 Total: 20.1238 Ratio: 19.2679%
GpuMemcpySync Calls: 400 Total: 12.4112 Ratio: 11.8833%
因为控制流的计算比较简单,是可以放到CPU上实现的,所以数据拷贝很多都是可以优化掉的。于是PP同学采用device_guard(1)的配置,指定控制流相关的OP运行在CPU上,减少CPU与GPU 之间的数据拷贝交互。立马动手修改代码:
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.layers as layers
import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler
import time
def fn_1():
return layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 2], dtype='float32', value=1)
def fn_2():
return layers.fill_constant(shape=[2, 2], dtype='int32', value=2)
def fn_3():
return layers.fill_constant(shape=[3], dtype='int32', value=3)
main_program = fluid.default_startup_program()
startup_program = fluid.default_main_program()
with fluid.program_guard(main_program, startup_program):
#设置x、 y 、z 运行在CPU上
with fluid.device_guard("cpu"):
x = layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype='float32', value=0.3)
y = layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype='float32', value=0.1)
z = layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype='float32', value=0.2)
#设置pred_1、 pred_2 、pred_3 运行在CPU上
with fluid.device_guard("cpu"):
pred_1 = layers.less_than(z, x) # true: 0.2 < 0.3
pred_2 = layers.less_than(x, y) # false: 0.3 < 0.1
pred_3 = layers.equal(x, y) # false: 0.3 == 0.1
# 如果pred_1为True则运行
out_1 = layers.case(
pred_fn_pairs=[(pred_1, fn_1), (pred_2, fn_2)], default=fn_3)
# 此处default 参数为None,当前面条件都不满足的时候会把最后一个分支当成默认分支
out_2 = layers.case(pred_fn_pairs=[(pred_2, fn_2), (pred_3, fn_3)])
exe = fluid.Executor(fluid.CUDAPlace(0))
for i in range(100):
if i > 20:
res_1, res_2 = exe.run(main_program, fetch_list=[out_1, out_2])
time_end = time.time()
print('time cost',time_end-time_start,'s')
profiler.stop_profiler('total', '/tmp/profile')
print(res_1) # [[1. 1.]]
print(res_2) # [3 3 3]
-------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
Place: All
Time unit: ms
Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
------------------------- Overhead Summary -------------------------
Total time: 58.7053
Computation time Total: 19.7797 Ratio: 33.6932%
Framework overhead Total: 38.9256 Ratio: 66.3068%
------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
GpuMemcpy Calls: 600 Total: 15.281 Ratio: 26.0301%
GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 400 Total: 8.73338 Ratio: 14.8767%
GpuMemcpySync Calls: 200 Total: 6.54766 Ratio: 11.1534%
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
thread0::conditional_block 400 29.0445 28.488841 (0.980867) 0.555707 (0.019133) 0.002378 0.383915 0.0726114 0.494752
fill_constant 200 9.52572 9.245150 (0.970546) 0.280573 (0.029454) 0.034405 0.159726 0.0476286 0.162263
assign 200 8.37987 8.104736 (0.967167) 0.275134 (0.032833) 0.031566 0.088268 0.0418994 0.142745
GpuMemcpyAsync(same_gpu):GPU->GPU 200 4.94725 4.672113 (0.944386) 0.275134 (0.055614) 0.017507 0.05243 0.0247362 0.0842726
thread0::fetch 200 8.15252 7.754766 (0.951210) 0.397758 (0.048790) 0.032766 0.075615 0.0407626 0.138872
GpuMemcpySync:GPU->CPU 200 6.54766 6.149903 (0.939252) 0.397758 (0.060748) 0.026847 0.052196 0.0327383 0.111534
thread0::fill_constant 300 7.08439 7.084390 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.010914 0.535107 0.0236146 0.120677
thread0::select_input 200 5.03929 4.765534 (0.945675) 0.273757 (0.054325) 0.020717 0.053569 0.0251965 0.0858405
GpuMemcpyAsync(same_gpu):GPU->GPU 200 3.78614 3.512380 (0.927695) 0.273757 (0.072305) 0.015393 0.048223 0.0189307 0.064494
thread0::less_than 200 2.83091 2.830909 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.009482 0.039851 0.0141545 0.0482224
thread0::logical_not 200 2.73213 2.732127 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.010661 0.028379 0.0136606 0.0465397
thread0::cast 200 2.57408 2.574083 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.010177 0.031029 0.0128704 0.0438476
thread0::equal 100 1.24741 1.247408 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.010344 0.026703 0.0124741 0.0212487
------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
GpuMemcpy Calls: 600 Total: 15.281 Ratio: 26.0301%
GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 400 Total: 8.73338 Ratio: 14.8767%
GpuMemcpySync Calls: 200 Total: 6.54766 Ratio: 11.1534%
Profiler 简单易用的API 接口
飞桨提供了startprofiler 和 stopprofiler两个函数接口进行性能分析, 在使用Profiler工具分析模型性能的时候我们可以配合使用startprofiler和stopprofiler 确定profiler范围,在确定的范围内进行性能分析, 其使用方式如下所示:
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.compiler as compiler
import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler
data1 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 8, 8], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
data2 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 5, 5], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
shape = fluid.layers.shape(data2)
shape = fluid.layers.slice(shape, axes=[0], starts=[0], ends=[4])
out = fluid.layers.crop_tensor(data1, shape=shape)
place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
exe = fluid.Executor(place)
compiled_prog = compiler.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program())
for iter in range(10):
if(iter == 2):
#开始Profiler过程,对CPU和GPU进行性能分析统计,tracer_option 选项为Default
profiler.start_profiler(state='All', tracer_option='Default')
if(iter == 8):
profiler.stop_profiler(sorted_key='total', profile_path='/tmp/profile')
result = exe.run(program=compiled_prog, fetch_list=[out])
除了这种灵活的startprofiler 和 stopprofiler函数调用方法,飞桨还提供了Profiler通用性能分析器进行性能分析,在with语句下添加一个profiler.profiler接口,即可对with下的运行过程进行profiler性能分析,其使用接口示例如下所示:
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.compiler as compiler
import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler
data1 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 8, 8], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
data2 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 5, 5], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
shape = fluid.layers.shape(data2)
shape = fluid.layers.slice(shape, axes=[0], starts=[0], ends=[4])
out = fluid.layers.crop_tensor(data1, shape=shape)
place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
exe = fluid.Executor(place)
compiled_prog = compiler.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program())
#对with 下的运行过程进行profiler性能分析
with profiler.profiler('All', 'total') as prof:
for i in range(10):
result = exe.run(program=compiled_prog, fetch_list=[out])
Profiler 多维度性能分析功能
-------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
Note! This Report merge all thread info into one.
Place: All
Time unit: ms
Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
Total time: 7.30941
Computation time Total: 0.225158 Ratio: 3.08039%
Framework overhead Total: 7.08425 Ratio: 96.9196%
------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
GpuMemcpy Calls: 2 Total: 0.74759 Ratio: 10.2278%
GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 2 Total: 0.74759 Ratio: 10.2278%
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 1 6.08951 6.076904 (0.997930) 0.012608 (0.002070) 6.08951 6.08951 6.08951 0.833106
GpuMemcpyAsync:CPU->GPU 1 0.703009 0.700705 (0.996723) 0.002304 (0.003277) 0.703009 0.703009 0.703009 0.0961787
mul 1 0.219497 0.211977 (0.965740) 0.007520 (0.034260) 0.219497 0.219497 0.219497 0.0300294
elementwise_add 1 0.108017 0.105905 (0.980448) 0.002112 (0.019552) 0.108017 0.108017 0.108017 0.0147778
Fetch 1 0.102637 0.100142 (0.975691) 0.002495 (0.024309) 0.102637 0.102637 0.102637 0.0140418
GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 1 0.044581 0.042086 (0.944034) 0.002495 (0.055966) 0.044581 0.044581 0.044581 0.00609913
mean 1 0.064722 0.061234 (0.946108) 0.003488 (0.053892) 0.064722 0.064722 0.064722 0.00885462
InitLocalVars 1 0.006395 0.006395 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.006395 0.006395 0.006395 0.0008749
eager_deletion 2 0.006166 0.006166 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002291 0.003875 0.003083 0.000843571
ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.005985 0.005985 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.005985 0.005985 0.005985 0.000818808
ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.003467 0.003467 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003467 0.003467 0.003467 0.00047432
-------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
Place: All
Time unit: ms
Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
thread1::mul 1 0.219497 0.211977 (0.965740) 0.007520 (0.034260) 0.219497 0.219497 0.219497 0.438084
thread1::elementwise_add 1 0.108017 0.105905 (0.980448) 0.002112 (0.019552) 0.108017 0.108017 0.108017 0.215586
thread1::Fetch 1 0.102637 0.100142 (0.975691) 0.002495 (0.024309) 0.102637 0.102637 0.102637 0.204848
GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 1 0.044581 0.042086 (0.944034) 0.002495 (0.055966) 0.044581 0.044581 0.044581 0.0889771
thread1::mean 1 0.064722 0.061234 (0.946108) 0.003488 (0.053892) 0.064722 0.064722 0.064722 0.129176
thread1::eager_deletion 2 0.006166 0.006166 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002291 0.003875 0.003083 0.0123064
thread0::FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 1 6.08951 6.076904 (0.997930) 0.012608 (0.002070) 6.08951 6.08951 6.08951 0.894416
thread0::GpuMemcpyAsync:CPU->GPU 1 0.703009 0.700705 (0.996723) 0.002304 (0.003277) 0.703009 0.703009 0.703009 0.103257
thread0::InitLocalVars 1 0.006395 0.006395 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.006395 0.006395 0.006395 0.000939285
thread0::ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.005985 0.005985 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.005985 0.005985 0.005985 0.000879065
thread0::ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.003467 0.003467 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003467 0.003467 0.003467 0.000509226
框架性能分析结果中,我们可以看到在训练过程中的框架运行开销,这里的开销主要指除了OP的计算函数之外的所有时间开销。同时为了更好的反映在训练过程中GPU和CPU的数据交互过程,提供了Memcpy的次数统计,CPU和GPU过多的内存交互会导致性能下降,结合device_guard 我们可以减少CPU和GPU的数据交互,提升性能。
-------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
Note! This Report merge all thread info into one.
Place: All
Time unit: ms
Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
Total time: 7.30941
Computation time Total: 0.225158 Ratio: 3.08039%
Framework overhead Total: 7.08425 Ratio: 96.9196%
------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
GpuMemcpy Calls: 2 Total: 0.74759 Ratio: 10.2278%
GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 2 Total: 0.74759 Ratio: 10.2278%
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 1 6.08951 6.076904 (0.997930) 0.012608 (0.002070) 6.08951 6.08951 6.08951 0.833106
GpuMemcpyAsync:CPU->GPU 1 0.703009 0.700705 (0.996723) 0.002304 (0.003277) 0.703009 0.703009 0.703009 0.0961787
mul 1 0.219497 0.211977 (0.965740) 0.007520 (0.034260) 0.219497 0.219497 0.219497 0.0300294
elementwise_add 1 0.108017 0.105905 (0.980448) 0.002112 (0.019552) 0.108017 0.108017 0.108017 0.0147778
Fetch 1 0.102637 0.100142 (0.975691) 0.002495 (0.024309) 0.102637 0.102637 0.102637 0.0140418
GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 1 0.044581 0.042086 (0.944034) 0.002495 (0.055966) 0.044581 0.044581 0.044581 0.00609913
mean 1 0.064722 0.061234 (0.946108) 0.003488 (0.053892) 0.064722 0.064722 0.064722 0.00885462
InitLocalVars 1 0.006395 0.006395 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.006395 0.006395 0.006395 0.0008749
eager_deletion 2 0.006166 0.006166 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002291 0.003875 0.003083 0.000843571
ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.005985 0.005985 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.005985 0.005985 0.005985 0.000818808
ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.003467 0.003467 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003467 0.003467 0.003467 0.00047432
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
thread1::mul 1 0.219497 0.211977 (0.965740) 0.007520 (0.034260) 0.219497 0.219497 0.219497 0.438084
thread1::elementwise_add 1 0.108017 0.105905 (0.980448) 0.002112 (0.019552) 0.108017 0.108017 0.108017 0.215586
thread1::Fetch 1 0.102637 0.100142 (0.975691) 0.002495 (0.024309) 0.102637 0.102637 0.102637 0.204848
GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 1 0.044581 0.042086 (0.944034) 0.002495 (0.055966) 0.044581 0.044581 0.044581 0.0889771
thread1::mean 1 0.064722 0.061234 (0.946108) 0.003488 (0.053892) 0.064722 0.064722 0.064722 0.129176
thread1::eager_deletion 2 0.006166 0.006166 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002291 0.003875 0.003083 0.0123064
thread0::FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 1 6.08951 6.076904 (0.997930) 0.012608 (0.002070) 6.08951 6.08951 6.08951 0.894416
thread0::GpuMemcpyAsync:CPU->GPU 1 0.703009 0.700705 (0.996723) 0.002304 (0.003277) 0.703009 0.703009 0.703009 0.103257
thread0::InitLocalVars 1 0.006395 0.006395 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.006395 0.006395 0.006395 0.000939285
thread0::ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.005985 0.005985 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.005985 0.005985 0.005985 0.000879065
thread0::ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 1 0.003467 0.003467 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003467 0.003467 0.003467 0.000509226
观察前面Profiler API接口,可以看到提供了tracer_option参数, tracer_option提供了三个选项,分别为Default、OpDetail、AllOpDetail。Default选项只打印OP整体性能信息,OpDetail和AllOpDetail则会打印其他更细致的信息。
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
fill_constant 12 9.59502 9.577872 (0.998212) 0.017152 (0.001788) 0.078359 4.11928 0.799585 0.772524
fill_constant/compute 12 9.29641 9.279253 (0.998155) 0.017152 (0.001845) 0.064842 4.06913 0.7747 0.748481
fill_constant/infer_shape 12 0.075591 0.075591 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002567 0.01396 0.00629925 0.00608606
fill_constant/prepare_data 12 0.041932 0.041932 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.001451 0.010575 0.00349433 0.00337607
slice 6 1.40287 1.382675 (0.985607) 0.020192 (0.014393) 0.078351 0.83448 0.233811 0.112949
slice/prepare_data 6 1.13939 1.127870 (0.989889) 0.011520 (0.010111) 0.045453 0.776968 0.189898 0.0917357
GpuMemcpySync:CPU->GPU 6 0.92333 0.911810 (0.987523) 0.011520 (0.012477) 0.027762 0.731752 0.153888 0.07434
slice/compute 6 0.185768 0.177096 (0.953318) 0.008672 (0.046682) 0.022966 0.041444 0.0309613 0.0149567
slice/infer_shape 6 0.039823 0.039823 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.004883 0.009277 0.00663717 0.00320627
crop_tensor 6 0.586683 0.563035 (0.959692) 0.023648 (0.040308) 0.082797 0.13253 0.0977805 0.0472356
crop_tensor/compute 6 0.501688 0.478040 (0.952863) 0.023648 (0.047137) 0.068311 0.117511 0.0836147 0.0403924
GpuMemcpySync:GPU->CPU 6 0.230851 0.218243 (0.945385) 0.012608 (0.054615) 0.032632 0.055755 0.0384752 0.0185865
crop_tensor/infer_shape 6 0.03331 0.033310 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003598 0.009579 0.00555167 0.00268189
crop_tensor/prepare_data 6 0.009975 0.009975 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.001146 0.003719 0.0016625 0.000803117
Fetch 6 0.328085 0.316213 (0.963814) 0.011872 (0.036186) 0.047929 0.071537 0.0546808 0.0264151
GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 6 0.183378 0.171506 (0.935259) 0.011872 (0.064741) 0.026675 0.037943 0.030563 0.0147643
FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 6 0.165158 0.165158 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.016557 0.052761 0.0275263 0.0132974
shape 6 0.160389 0.160389 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.014121 0.055736 0.0267315 0.0129134
shape/compute 6 0.08775 0.087750 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.004395 0.03734 0.014625 0.00706501
shape/infer_shape 6 0.023968 0.023968 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.00276 0.00575 0.00399467 0.00192974
shape/prepare_data 6 0.008976 0.008976 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.001318 0.001797 0.001496 0.000722684
ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 6 0.109541 0.109541 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.012726 0.029744 0.0182568 0.00881947
eager_deletion 18 0.056515 0.056515 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.00099 0.008829 0.00313972 0.00455019
ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 6 0.016096 0.016096 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.001069 0.009635 0.00268267 0.00129594
------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
fill_constant 12 8.99499 8.977549 (0.998061) 0.017439 (0.001939) 0.059922 3.75175 0.749582 0.736424
fill_constant0 6 4.53633 4.527403 (0.998032) 0.008927 (0.001968) 0.084302 3.68861 0.756055 0.371391
fill_constant0/compute 6 4.33761 4.328688 (0.997942) 0.008927 (0.002058) 0.067428 3.60916 0.722936 0.355122
fill_constant0/infer_shape 6 0.050087 0.050087 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.004186 0.018715 0.00834783 0.00410064
fill_constant0/prepare_data 6 0.019992 0.019992 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002385 0.00582 0.003332 0.00163675
fill_constant1 6 4.36386 4.355344 (0.998049) 0.008512 (0.001951) 0.05556 3.74226 0.727309 0.357271
fill_constant1/compute 6 4.20648 4.197966 (0.997976) 0.008512 (0.002024) 0.03893 3.68969 0.70108 0.344386
fill_constant1/infer_shape 6 0.043087 0.043087 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003811 0.017195 0.00718117 0.00352755
fill_constant1/prepare_data 6 0.016492 0.016492 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.00199 0.004173 0.00274867 0.00135021
slice 6 1.49876 1.478472 (0.986463) 0.020288 (0.013537) 0.09695 0.936687 0.249793 0.122704
slice0 6 1.47483 1.454542 (0.986244) 0.020288 (0.013756) 0.093403 0.932261 0.245805 0.120745
slice0/prepare_data 6 1.16992 1.158303 (0.990071) 0.011616 (0.009929) 0.051469 0.86229 0.194986 0.0957818
GpuMemcpySync:CPU->GPU 6 0.993707 0.982091 (0.988310) 0.011616 (0.011690) 0.030551 0.813402 0.165618 0.0813552
slice0/compute 6 0.183369 0.174697 (0.952707) 0.008672 (0.047293) 0.025079 0.043277 0.0305615 0.0150125
slice0/infer_shape 6 0.053972 0.053972 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.006931 0.01328 0.00899533 0.00441871
crop_tensor 6 0.686333 0.662589 (0.965405) 0.023744 (0.034595) 0.092694 0.159363 0.114389 0.0561904
crop_tensor0 6 0.661745 0.638001 (0.964119) 0.023744 (0.035881) 0.088815 0.154756 0.110291 0.0541773
crop_tensor0/compute 6 0.498947 0.475203 (0.952412) 0.023744 (0.047588) 0.069971 0.10652 0.0831578 0.040849
GpuMemcpySync:GPU->CPU 6 0.22741 0.214642 (0.943855) 0.012768 (0.056145) 0.034765 0.043249 0.0379017 0.0186182
crop_tensor0/infer_shape 6 0.040319 0.040319 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.005645 0.008416 0.00671983 0.00330093
crop_tensor0/prepare_data 6 0.017584 0.017584 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.001817 0.008174 0.00293067 0.00143961
Fetch 6 0.384527 0.371983 (0.967378) 0.012544 (0.032622) 0.052345 0.084889 0.0640878 0.0314814
GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 6 0.178042 0.165498 (0.929545) 0.012544 (0.070455) 0.027737 0.032732 0.0296737 0.0145764
shape 6 0.228702 0.228702 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.024993 0.064773 0.038117 0.0187239
shape0 6 0.203062 0.203062 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.020906 0.059788 0.0338437 0.0166248
shape0/compute 6 0.093917 0.093917 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.00592 0.039347 0.0156528 0.00768903
shape0/infer_shape 6 0.027612 0.027612 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003379 0.006415 0.004602 0.00226061
shape0/prepare_data 6 0.021202 0.021202 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.001856 0.01158 0.00353367 0.00173582
FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 6 0.173718 0.173718 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.01823 0.057948 0.028953 0.0142224
ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 6 0.136108 0.136108 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.014345 0.041874 0.0226847 0.0111432
eager_deletion 18 0.092351 0.092351 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002197 0.010871 0.00513061 0.00756082
ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 6 0.018935 0.018935 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002004 0.00793 0.00315583 0.00155022
飞桨核心框架对cudnn和mkldnn等底层库的使用有着良好的支持,结合这些高性能库的支持以及实现上的精细打磨,飞桨OP性能整体上表现优异。同时飞桨良好的架构设计也保证了整体执行的高效。但少数情况下,如果模型训练性能达不到预期效果,可以使用Profiler工具进行性能分析,帮助开发者在模型开发以及框架开发过程中及时发现和解决性能问题。当然,试用过程中发现OP性能问题和框架开销问题,欢迎开发者积极地通过GitHub issue和我们讨论或者贡献自己的PR,让飞桨深度学习框架的运行速度在更多的硬件上飞起来吧。
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