CSK6 是聆思科技新一代的 AI 芯片 SoC 产品系列,采用多核异构架构,集成了 ARM Star MCU,HiFi4 DSP,以及聆思全新设计的 AI 神经网络处理内核 NPU,算力达到 128 GOPS。多核异构的设计使芯片能以较低功耗满足音频及图像视频的 AI 应用需求。
本系列芯片集成了 SRAM 与 PSRAM,支持内置或外接Flash,可提供最高 4 入 2 出的 Audio Codec,VGA 像素的 DVP 摄像头接口,多达 6 路的触控检测以及 SPI、UART、USB、SDIO、I2C、I2S 等各类外设接口,丰富接口支持各类应用方案的开发。
CSK6011-NanoKit V1 是一款板载了CSK6011A纯离线模组的NanoKit开发板。
0x0 环境搭建
天然支持linux好评,这里是 fedora 36 系统上的环境搭建步骤
安装 snapd,然后手动造个链接,否则后面 snap install 会报错 classic confinement requires snaps under /snap or symlink from /snap to /var/lib/snapd/snap
dnf install snapd
ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
下载离线安装包,解压,根据 install.sh 内容执行即可
cp -f 99-lisa.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-lisa.rules
udevadm control --reload-rules
udevadm trigger
snap install ./csk6_integration_installer_linux_v1.6.5.snap --classic --dangerous
重新开个终端,执行 lisa info zep
即可显示环境安装情况,提示 lisa 工具有更新,Y 回车即可更新
0x1 手势识别
- prj.conf 修改
lisa zep build -b csk6011a_nano
lisa zep flash
lisa zep exec cskburn -s /dev/ttyACM0 -C 6 0x400000 ./resource/cp.bin -b 748800
lisa zep exec cskburn -s /dev/ttyACM0 -C 6 0x500000 ./resource/res.bin -b 748800
Partition 1: 0x00400000 (751.35 KB) - ./resource/cp.bin
Waiting for device...
Entering update mode...
Detected flash size: 16 MB
Burning partition 1/1... (0x00400000, 751.35 KB)
ERROR: Failed burning partition 1
✖ Command failed : cskburn -s /dev/ttyACM0 -C 6 0x400000 ./resource/cp.bin -b 748800
› Error: Command failed : cskburn -s /dev/ttyACM0 -C 6 0x400000 ./resource/cp.bin -b 748800
检查错误帮助,退出 tio 串口程序,依然报错,总是 update 到 25% 左右失败
烧录完成后,按开发板的 reset 按钮重启
根据文档,再使用另一根 typec 线接到电脑
git clone https://cloud.listenai.com/zephyr/applications/csk_view_finder_spd.git
用开源的 chromium 浏览器打开 csk_view_finder_spd/src/index.html,点击选择设备连接,就能看到摄像头检测的结果了
0x2 一些小修改
app_algo_hsd_sample_for_csk6/src/webusb_render.c 开头有个 #define WEBUSB_IMAGE_DOWNSAMPLING (6)
改为 4 会稍微质量好些,但是 fps 会更低,改为 2 就会画面撕裂,应该是图像大了来不及传输
在 prj.conf 添加 CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL=3 重新编译烧录,就会在串口中打印这些 LOG_INF
app_algo_hsd_sample_for_csk6/src/main.c 有个主回调函数 on_receive_hsd_result
[00:05:04.368,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.435,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.501,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.568,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.635,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.702,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.769,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.836,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.903,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:04.971,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:05.038,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:05.105,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:05.172,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:05.239,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
[00:05:05.306,000] <inf> main: gesture result id: 142 ,state: 4
可以看到手势识别的回调间隔约 70ms,但是实际 LOG_INF 有缓冲区,通常4行一起显示出来
系统的 sdk 路径
默认安装在 $HOME/snap/lisa/x1/.listenai/csk-sdk/zephyr/include/zephyr/
工具链在 $HOME/snap/lisa/x1/.listenai/lisa-zephyr/packages/node_modules/@binary/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3/binary/
这些路径在 lisa zep build
0x3 TinyMaix实验
ARM Star MCU:最高300MHz主频
以hello_world工程为基准,把 TinyMaix 整个项目代码复制过来,修改cmake引入代码
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0)
aux_source_directory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/TinyMaix/src lib_tinymaix)
target_sources(app PRIVATE src/TinyMaix/examples/mnist/main.c ${lib_tinymaix})
修改 TinyMaix/include/tm_port.h 移植 csk 相关的配置,屏蔽无法直接编译的 debug time 相关宏定义
#define TM_LOCAL_MATH (1) //use local math func (like exp()) to avoid libm
#define tm_malloc(x) csk_malloc(x)
#define tm_free(x) csk_free(x)
#define TM_GET_US()
#define TM_DBGT_INIT()
#define TM_DBGT_START()
#define TM_DBGT(x)
修改 prj.conf,设置更大的 heap size
lisa zep build -b csk6011a_nano
lisa zep flash
串口输出 mnist 推理结果,可以看到成功识别为数字2
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v1.1.1-alpha.2 ***
mnist demo
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================================ model stat ================================
mdl_type=0 (int8))
input_cnt=1, output_cnt=1, layer_cnt=6
input 3dims: (28, 28, 1)
output 1dims: (1, 1, 10)
main buf size 1464; sub buf size 0
//Note: PARAM is layer param size, include align padding
Idx Layer outshape inoft outoft PARAM MEMOUT OPS
--- Input 28, 28, 1 - 0 0 784 0
###L71: body oft = 64
###L72: type=0, is_out=0, size=152, in_oft=0, out_oft=784, in_dims=[3,28,28,1], out_dims=[3,13,13,4], in_s=0.004, in_zp=-128, out_s=0.016, out_zp=-128
###L85: Conv2d: kw=3, kh=3, sw=2, sh=2, dw=1, dh=1, act=1, pad=[0,0,0,0], dmul=0, ws_oft=80, w_oft=96, b_oft=136
000 Conv2D 13, 13, 4 0 784 72 676 6084
###L71: body oft = 216
###L72: type=0, is_out=0, size=432, in_oft=784, out_oft=0, in_dims=[3,13,13,4], out_dims=[3,6,6,8], in_s=0.016, in_zp=-128, out_s=0.016, out_zp=-128
###L85: Conv2d: kw=3, kh=3, sw=2, sh=2, dw=1, dh=1, act=1, pad=[0,0,0,0], dmul=0, ws_oft=80, w_oft=112, b_oft=400
001 Conv2D 6, 6, 8 784 0 352 288 10368
###L71: body oft = 648
###L72: type=0, is_out=0, size=1360, in_oft=0, out_oft=1400, in_dims=[3,6,6,8], out_dims=[3,2,2,16], in_s=0.016, in_zp=-128, out_s=0.057, out_zp=-128
###L85: Conv2d: kw=3, kh=3, sw=2, sh=2, dw=1, dh=1, act=1, pad=[0,0,0,0], dmul=0, ws_oft=80, w_oft=144, b_oft=1296
002 Conv2D 2, 2, 16 0 1400 1280 64 4608
###L71: body oft = 2008
###L72: type=1, is_out=0, size=48, in_oft=1400, out_oft=0, in_dims=[3,2,2,16], out_dims=[1,1,1,16], in_s=0.057, in_zp=-128, out_s=0.022, out_zp=-128
003 GAP 1, 1, 16 1400 0 0 16 64
###L71: body oft = 2056
###L72: type=2, is_out=0, size=304, in_oft=0, out_oft=1448, in_dims=[1,1,1,16], out_dims=[1,1,1,10], in_s=0.022, in_zp=-128, out_s=0.151, out_zp=42
###L96: FC: ws_oft=64, w_oft=104, b_oft=264
004 FC 1, 1, 10 0 1448 240 10 160
###L71: body oft = 2360
###L72: type=3, is_out=1, size=48, in_oft=1448, out_oft=0, in_dims=[1,1,1,10], out_dims=[1,1,1,10], in_s=0.151, in_zp=42, out_s=0.004, out_zp=-128
005 Softmax 1, 1, 10 1448 0 0 10 60
Total param ~1.9 KB, OPS ~0.02 MOPS, buffer 1.4 KB
0: 0.004
1: 0.004
2: 0.996
3: 0.004
4: 0.000
5: 0.000
6: 0.004
7: 0.004
8: 0.004
9: 0.004
### Predict output is: Number 2, prob 0.996
0x4 总结
- 开发环境原生支持 Windows/Linux/macOS 好评
- csk 文档详细,示例demo上手难度低,可用性好
- 期待开放更多底层的技术细节,比如自定义模型的编译等
- qwqwqwq