潮声隔雨深 · 2020年01月02日

CA7 MPCore中如何判断Core处于Non-Secure state?

以Cortex-A7 MPCore为例:

如何判断一个Core已经成功切换到Non-Secure state?

MPCore reset后,通过读取SCR register,可知当前Core处于Secure state.

执行相关Non-Secure state切换代码后:访问SCR会hang住,这代表切换Non-Secure state成功了吗?

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一知半解 · 2020年01月02日

是的,在non-secure state是无法准确知道当前CPU是否处于non-secure/secure state的,但是我们可以知道是否处于monitor mode。我们的经验是在不产生undefined exception的情况下可以稍微根据一些状态猜测一下,以下代码是我在实现T6过程中进行某些测试时用到的代码,注释写得很详细了,贴出供参考:

// check if we are running in secure mode

// If we are in secure world, we can simply read the Secure Configuration Register(SCR)

// to know whether we are in secure world and SCR is the ideal way to know. However, SCR

// is accessible only secure secre privileged modes only, otherwise an underfined exception

// will be raised.

// WARNING: this function may get a wrong result

int is_secure_world(){

uint cpsr =0, nsacr =0;

asm volatile(

    "mrc   p15, 0, %[nsacr],cr1,cr1,2\n"

    "mrs %[cpsr], cpsr\n" :

    [nsacr]"=r" (nsacr),

    [cpsr]"=r" (cpsr));

// if NASAR contains the reset value(=0) then most likely

// we are running in Secure Mode. If the cpsr mode is set

// to monitor mode then we cannot load!


if(nsacr ==0 || (cpsr & 0x1f)==0b10110)

    return 1;

return 0;


另一种思路是,如果你能够控制整个kernel的话,可以正常访问SCR寄存器,但是要在undefined exception handler里面添加处理代码。比如在访问SCR之前在某个物理地址写个0x10086,然后在undefined exception handler中加一个corner case:当那个物理地址值为0x10086时就处理这个异常并返回。这样就可以准确知道是否处于non-secure state啦!

