本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读最新内容!keras data augmentation<!--more-->Guidecode {代码...} output target_size = None:1 image --->(424,640,3)--->aug--->(424,640,3)--->preprocess_input--->(424,640,3)target_size = (224,224):1 image --->resize--->(224,224,3)--->au...
results from Multi-GPU training with Keras, Python, and deep learning on Onepanel.ioTo validate this, we trained MiniGoogLeNet on the CIFAR-10 dataset with 4 V100 GPU.
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speed up opencv image processing with OpenCL<!--more-->
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读最新内容!anaconda tutorial on ubuntu 16.04<!--more-->
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本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读最新内容!cpp11 push_back and emplace_backGuidecase1 {代码...} see image from c-difference-between-emplace_back-and-push_back-functioncase2 {代码...} case 3 {代码...} Referencepush-back-vs-emplace-backc-difference-between-emplace_back-and-push_back-functionpush_b...
tensorrt fp32 fp16 tutorial with caffe pytorch minist model
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读最新内容!python tkinter tutorial<!--more-->Guidemain ui {代码...} demo {代码...} snapshots Referencetkinter demotkinter docsHistory20190411: created.CopyrightPost author: kezunlinPost link: [链接]Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed und...
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读!speed up opencv image processing with openmpSeriesPart 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10Part 3: opencv mat for loopPart 4: speed up opencv image processing with openmpGuideconfiglinux/window: cmake with CXX_F...
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读!opencv mat for loopSeriesPart 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10Part 3: opencv mat for loopPart 4: speed up opencv image processing with openmpGuideMatfor gray image, use type <uchar>for RGB color image...
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读!compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10SeriesPart 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10Part 3: opencv mat for loopPart 4: speed up opencv image processing with openmpGuiderequirements:windows: 10opencv: 3....
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读!compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04SeriesPart 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10Part 3: opencv mat for loopPart 4: speed up opencv image processing with openmpGuiderequirements:ubuntu: 16.04opencv: 3.3.0install dep...
SET_IN_MAIN_DETECT_IN_MAIN, // 主线程set_mode,主线程检测,40ms左右,使用GPU
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读!boost thread pool exampleGuideboost thread pool example with cpp codecode example {代码...} Referenceboost thread pool exampleHistory20180523: created.CopyrightPost author: kezunlinPost link: [链接]Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under C...
本文首发于个人博客[链接],欢迎阅读!Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04SeriesPart 1: Install and Configure Caffe on windows 10Part 2: Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04Guiderequirements:NVIDIA driver 396.54CUDA 8.0 + cudnn 6.0.21CUDA 9.2 +cudnn 7.1.4opencv 3.1.0 --->3.3.0python...