极术小姐姐 · 2020年11月27日

Arm SystemReady – 使软件在多样化生态系统中“开箱即用” ,附白皮书下载

作者:Andrew Rose, Chief System Architect and Fellow


随着我们进入第五次计算浪潮,Arm很高兴能与众多合作伙伴一起介绍Arm SystemReady,并提供一套正式的计算平台定义来涵盖从云端到物联网边缘范围的系统,以帮助软件在充满活力的,基于Arm的硬件的多样化生态系统中无缝地“开箱即用正常工作(Just Work)”。

SystemReady建立在现有Arm ServerReady方案的基础上,可以覆盖更广泛的市场和操作系统。 ServerReady是一项成功的协作式认证方案,已由服务器和云数据中心的合作伙伴采用,以确保通用的现成操作系统和虚拟机管理程序可以在Arm服务器上实现无缝的开箱即用(Out-of-Box)的体验。

Arm SystemReady将提供基础认证方案,,再一次地,该方案同样合作开发于广泛的生态系统。 我们将共同为更广泛的设备设定标准,标准重点首先将放在数据中心,基础设施边缘和物联网边缘领域。 Arm SystemReady所体现的标准化是Arm的Cassini项目的标准支柱之一的体现,该计划项目旨在确保在快速增长的边缘生态系统中实现云原生软件体验。

The SystemReady方案

Arm SystemReady方案的基础是一组新的系统体系结构标准。 特别是我们介绍了基本系统架构(BSA),它为操作系统成功启动提供了最低限度的硬件要求。 相应的最低固件接口需求集称为基本启动要求(BBR)。 我们还提供特定于市场细分的BSA补充,例如,服务器领域的SBSA补充。 这些规范一起取代了以前仅指针对服务器的SBSA和SBBR规范。 选择这些规范的不同组合或配方可启用Arm SystemReady方案的不同范围划分,适用于不同的系统类型和细分市场。


最开始,这些新规范支持SystemReady的四个主要范围划分,以及两个其他可选组件,即安全选件和硅前认证。 (参见下图)

Arm SystemReady的主要范围划分

1.SystemReady SR

SystemReady SR与以前的ServerReady程序相同,除了SBBR引导要求之外,SBSA和SBBR规范已替换为通用BSA规范和SBSA补充规范。 此新版本被认证为SystemReady SR v2.0。 SystemReady SR与ServerReady适用于相同的服务器系统,以支持那些要求固件符合受众,即如SBBR配方标准所定义的服务器系统,这些服务器系统支持固件中(具有UEFI和ACPI接口)需求的操作系统和虚拟管理程序。

2.SystemReady ES

SystemReady ES适用于基础架构和物联网边缘设备等嵌入式服务器,可确保与常见操作系统和虚拟管理程序的互操作性。 它针对于的一些设备所,这些设备支持的操作系统和虚拟管理程序是需要要求的固件中提供的具有UEFI和ACPI接口的,如SBBR配方所定义。

3.SystemReady IR

SystemReady IR适用于基础架构物联网和物联网边缘设备,可确保与嵌入式Linux和其他嵌入式操作系统的互操作性。 该范围划分针对于一些的设备所,这些设备支持的操作系统仅需要固件提供中的UEFI接口的一个子集,如EBBR配方所定义。

4.SystemReady LS

对于Linux服务器,SystemReady LS的引入是为了面向那些使用LinuxBoot作为固件的超大规模扩展程云厂商序。该范围划分下的认证确保服务器平台适合于LinuxBoot固件栈的部署。经过SystemReady LS认证的平台必须符合基本系统架构(BSA)规范,SBSA补充规范和基本启动要求规范中的LBBR配方。

SystemReady旨在确保操作系统和虚拟机管理程序的可移植性和互操作性,使Arm生态系统能够提供充满活力,创新和多样化的硬件平台,而不会导致软件部署复杂化。 在许多方面。 它将Arm重要的CPU架构的兼容性保证扩展到了系统架构级别。

安全选项(Security Option)

Arm SystemReady提供了一个安全认证选项,该选件项提供了方法来保证系统其安全启动和安全固件更新是按照UEFI标准的规定实现的。 该安全选项可以附加到遵循以上任何SystemReady SR, ES和IR范围划分。该实现的其余系统安全性可以遵循PSA认证方案去评估。

硅前认证(Pre-silicon Certification)

对于芯片合作伙伴, Arm SystemReady的硅前认证(Pre-silicon Certification)用作于流片前的选项。 Arm一直与Synopsys和Cadence紧密合作进行此验证认证。对于芯片SoC制造商而言,芯片的每次 流片运转(生产运行)都是一项非常昂贵的尝试。如果该实体产品不符合BSA规范所确认的要求,例如PCI Express(PCIe),则制造商将要么放弃SystemReady提供的软件兼容性优势,要么承担一次昂贵的重新生产。

因此,Arm SystemReady硅前认证选项得以建立来做在流片之前的测试,目的是避免进行昂贵的返工并降低我们的芯片合作伙伴的风险。


我们很高兴能与业界的数十名支持者开始一个良好的开端,他们已经开始参加Arm SystemReady认证,您可以阅读以下合作伙伴的一些初步反馈。


  • SystemReady SR:Ampere Mt Jade(带有Ampere Altra处理器)
  • SystemReady ES:Raspberry Pi 4


总而言之,与一个雄心勃勃的生态系统合作以引入这个基于底层新架构标准的新认证方案,Arm为此而感到自豪。 BSA为操作系统成功启动提供了最低限度的硬件要求,而BBR提供了相应的最低固件接口要求的集合。 此外,我们正在提供特定于系统的标准,从而为新Arm SystemReady方案下的合规认证使能了一组范围划分。 这在以前的Arm ServerReady程序上进行了扩展,以包括基础架构边缘和物联网边缘部分中的设备。 该方案还有其他选项,包括安全启动和固件更新以及硅前合规性,以供芯片制造商在流片前进行测试,从而降低风险和成本。

Arm SystemReady是Cassini项目计划的一部分,该计划旨在创建无缝的云原生体验,并将标准,安全性和参考实现作为三个主要支柱。



点击下方可以下载Arm SystemReady 白皮书。

Partner Endorsements:

“Ampere and Arm have worked together to ensure infrastructure compatibility across the cloud to the edge. The Arm SystemReady certification program gives customers a seamless, compatible software experience and highlights the importance of software and system architecture consistency. Ampere® Altra™ , the first cloud-native processor designed for modern datacenters, is now SystemReady SR v2.0 certified. This certification accelerates the use of software and standards-based processes on key software stack components to help ensure cloud-native technologies are optimized to run efficiently on Ampere platforms, providing the industry’s leading compute density to Cloud Service Providers, Telcos, ODMs, and OEMs.”
Mauri Whalen, Vice President of Software Engineering at Ampere.

“Broadcom is pleased to support Project Cassini and Arm’s SystemReady program.  As the data center architecture continues to evolve, our customers are increasingly relying on our Stingray™ SmartNICs to offer a rich variety of networking, storage and security services. By leveraging the remarkable technology progress and standardization in the Arm ecosystem, those customers can count on their favorite applications and services to “just work” on our Arm-based SmartNICs, opening the door to fast-paced innovation in their data centers.”
Ed Redmond, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Compute and Connectivity Division, Broadcom

“As independent BIOS vendor, we are glad to join in SystemReady program and get the certification. This program has established one solid base for our BIOS product to work seamlessly across a vibrant, diverse ecosystem of Arm platforms.”
Hawk Chen, Vice President of Engineering, Byosoft

“Cadence and Arm have a long history of collaboration, and we’re supporting the Arm SystemReady program with a tailored solution, leveraging the Cadence Palladium Z1 Enterprise Emulation Platform, Accelerated VIP for PCI Express, and Perspec System Verifier. OS boot out of the box is a critical concern for developers working on Arm-based SoCs, and the Cadence Verification Suite helps alleviate this. When used in combination with Arm SystemReady pre-silicon compliance, developers have the confidence to move ahead to tapeout.”
Paul Cunningham, Corporate VP & GM Systems and Verification Group, Cadence

"As the enterprise and industrial edge continue to evolve by merging IT-driven manageability with OT-driven specialized hardware, frictionless onboarding of containerized applications becomes vital to deploying IoT at scale and reducing time-to-market. Canonical, with Ubuntu Desktop, Server and Core, supports Project Cassini's drive towards standardization and enables the rich Arm ODM and OEM gateway ecosystem to use familiar tools from the cloud to the edge. The standardization of the boot architecture and security APIs perfectly complement the security, reliability and OTA upgrades delivered by Ubuntu.”
Loic Minier, Global Director of Devices Field Engineering

“In honor of the earliest wave of ODM offering Arm-based whitebox uCPE on the market, we are very proud to work closely with Arm for ecosystem unification through Arm SystemReady program. It will empower our customers with a wide range of software and application on top of our series of uCPE solutions ”
Roger Wu, President of CyberTAN.

"GIGABYTE is delighted to be one of the first Arm ServerReady system partners, and has worked closely with Arm on the definition and validation of the ServerReady program, enabling us to offer hardware platforms that work on a wide range of operating systems and hypervisors. We are very happy to see that Arm has extended the ServerReady success to the edge and IoT market with the new SystemReady program. GIGABYTE is ready and excited to be able to empower customers with our Arm SystemReady certified systems.”
Akira Hoshino, Head of Product Strategy and Planning at GIGABYTE.

“The Arm SystemReady compliance certification program extends the success of the Arm ServerReady program beyond just servers based on Arm system standards and community contributions. It enforces a set of common principles that software developers and customers alike can rely on. We are pleased to see this come to fruition with several systems already certified as Arm SystemReady. Being SystemReady SR (aka ServerReady) compliant is the first step towards enabling Windows Azure deployment, while being SystemReady ES or SR is the first step towards enabling Windows IoT on a platform.”
Dr. Leendert van Doorn, Distinguished Engineer, Microsoft Corp.

“We’re delighted to participate in Arm’s SystemReady program. This approval process will ensure that NEXCOM’s Arm-based network appliances can be easily adopted in the diverse yet dynamic network infrastructure of today’s IT landscape. NEXCOM has been in Arm-based hardware platform ODM business for many years. We see ourselves responsible for helping build the foundation of Arm’s ecosystem, where implementing software stacks will be as easy as breathing. By participating in the Arm System Ready Program, NEXCOM can build a solid and validated groundwork for the applications like Arm-based developer PC and Whitebox uCPE which will require an open environment.”
Andrew Huang, EVP, NEXCOM USA.

“Edge processing requires a homogenous software environment to run cloud-native software. NXP has a strong history of developing Arm-based microcontrollers, applications, communications, and automotive processors and we are pleased to collaborate with Arm on Project Cassini. To achieve our shared goal, our Layerscape LS1046A and LX2160A processors are already in the process of obtaining SystemReady approval.”
Tareq Bustami, General Manager for Network Product Line, Edge Processing, NXP Semiconductors.

“Green Computing Consortium (OpenGCC) intends to help build an open and innovative ecosystem in China for green computing in cloud data center infrastructure. We have been a strong supporter of the Arm ServerReady program and in fact we have established a joint lab with Arm to certify ServerReady systems in China in 2019.
OpenGCC strongly supports the new Arm SystemReady program and will continue to work with Arm ecosystem to extend the benefit of standards to the edge and IoT markets.”
Jill Guo, Chief Technology Officer, OpenGCC.

Raspberry Pi
“Raspberry Pi is pleased to endorse Project Cassini initiative and to see Arm SystemReady compliance certification program extending beyond servers to cover devices across a vibrant and diverse hardware ecosystem.  Through promoting widely adopted standards this program recognizes the importance of the developers and community contributions in accelerating adoption of hardware standards that benefit the entire ecosystem .  We look forward leveraging the fruits of this program for developers and technology enthusiasts all over the world.” 
Eben Upton, CEO, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd

Red Hat
“As edge computing drives the next wave of enterprise applications to meet evolving end user demands, we believe that open source communities will fuel this technical innovation. In order to make these technologies consumable, industry-accepted common standards combined with strong security must form the bedrock of these advancements, from silicon on up. We’re pleased to continue working with Arm and its ecosystem to refine these standards as we bring enterprise computing to the edge.”
Peter Robinson, principal architect, IoT, Red Hat

“SolidRun is very excited to be adopting Arm's SystemReady standards onto our current and future solutions. What we love about standardizing hardware and firmware with this program is that it allows our customers to not be forced into a specific linux distribution or embedded OS. They can use the specific distribution they are most comfortable with, reducing the learning curve and bringing products based on our hardware to market quicker and cheaper.

This combined with security infrastructure that is being built on top of the standards will accelerate the implementation of secure, stable, upgradeable Edge and IoT products.”
Jon Nettleton Chief Systems Architect, SolidRun.

“System Gateways are a key component of the next wave of IoT-driven digital transformation for Enterprises across various markets. With SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Arm enterprise-class security and superior support, SUSE helps solution providers and enterprise early adopters to gain faster time to market for innovative IoT edge solutions built on a well-established, enterprise-class Linux platform. We share the vision for Project Cassini and are excited to work with the ecosystem on Arm SystemReady, PSA Certified and PARSEC to create a standards-driven baseline for SUSE across Arm-based IoT edge platforms.”
Brent Schroeder, Chief Technology Officer, SUSE

“Pre-silicon validation of hardware-dependent software is of utmost importance for companies developing Arm-based servers and SoCs. Through our collaboration with Arm, we have developed the Synopsys SoC validation solution for our ZeBu® emulation and VCS® simulation products to support Arm’s Server Base System Architecture Compliance and PCIe® Performance Suite. The SoC validation solution provides Arm-based SoC designers with greater confidence that generic off-the-shelf operating systems will work out-of-the-box without any custom patches, while maximizing performance of the PCIe subsystem.”
Susheel Tadikonda, Vice President of Engineering, Synopsys

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Arm SystemReady是针对基础设施边缘和物联网边缘领域引入的标准认证方案,让基于Arm的软件可以无缝开箱即用。本专栏将专注于介绍Arm SystemReady相关技术干货,如需了解更多,可关注[链接]。
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