Khorina · 9月25日 · 广东




arm-trusted-firware并没有实现一个完整的TEE,只给出了一个简单的与TEE类似的程序(BL32)。AARCH64 TEE应该是BL31(monitor)与BL32(Trusted OS)配合工作的。一般TOS通过monitor的一个SMC服务与Non-Secure通信。

1)Monitor SMC服务





  1. BL31(monitor)在异常退出时执行BL32(TOS)
  2. BL32(TOS)初始化完成后通过SMC调用通知BL31(monitor)
  3. BL31(monitor)在SMC服务中启动BL33(APPBL)
  4. 当宏TSP_INIT_ASYNC未定义时
  5. BL31(monitor)在SMC服务初始化完成后通过异常退出执行BL32(TOS)
  6. BL32(TOS)初始化完成后通过SMC调用返回初始化的位置
  7. BL31(monitor)执行完才退出异常执行BL33(APPBL)



void bl31_main(void)

 /* 初始化SMC服务 
  * 为TOS服务的SMC服务会根据TSP_INIT_ASYNC调用部分函数
  *   void bl31_set_next_image_type(uint32_t security_state)
  *   void bl31_register_bl32_init(int32_t (*func)(void))
 INFO("BL31: Initializing runtime services\n");

  * 当宏TSP_INIT_ASYNC未定义时
  * 给TOS服务的SMC宏将初始化此函数句柄
  * 此函数句柄将会通过异常退出执行TOS(BL32)
 if (bl32_init) {
  INFO("BL31: Initializing BL32\n");

  /* 初始化下一级BL的执行环境 */



/* 默认BL31执行完成后异常退出要执行的镜像的security state */
static uint32_t next_image_type = NON_SECURE;

/* 设置BL31执行完成异常退出要执行镜像的security state
 * security_state = NON_SECURE 执行BL33 APPBL
 * security_state = SECURE 执行BL32 TOS
void bl31_set_next_image_type(uint32_t security_state)
 next_image_type = security_state;

/* 在bl31_prepare_next_image_entry函数中被调用,用于初始化下一级BL */
uint32_t bl31_get_next_image_type(void)
 return next_image_type;


/* 函数指针,用于初始化TOS */
static int32_t (*bl32_init)(void);
/* 设置bl32_init*/
void bl31_register_bl32_init(int32_t (*func)(void))
 bl32_init = func;




int32_t tspd_setup(void)
 entry_point_info_t *tsp_ep_info;
 uint32_t linear_id;

 linear_id = plat_my_core_pos();

 /* 获取TOS执行环境并做部分验证工作 */
 tsp_ep_info = bl31_plat_get_next_image_ep_info(SECURE);
 if (!tsp_ep_info) {
  WARN("No TSP provided by BL2 boot loader, Booting device"
   " without TSP initialization. SMC`s destined for TSP"
   " will return SMC_UNK\n");
  return 1;
 if (!tsp_ep_info->pc)
  return 1;

  * 执行部分初始化工作

  /* 设置下一级BL的security state
     在异常退出时执行TOS */
 /* 在bl32_init中初始话BL32*/
 return 0;


uint64_t tspd_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
    uint64_t x1,
    uint64_t x2,
    uint64_t x3,
    uint64_t x4,
    void *cookie,
    void *handle,
    uint64_t flags)
 cpu_context_t *ns_cpu_context;
 uint32_t linear_id = plat_my_core_pos(), ns;
 tsp_context_t *tsp_ctx = &tspd_sp_context[linear_id];
 uint64_t rc;
 entry_point_info_t *next_image_info;

 /* Determine which security state this SMC originated from */
 ns = is_caller_non_secure(flags);

 switch (smc_fid) {
 /* TSP_ENTRY_DONE在BL32初始化完才,通过SMC返回 */
  if (ns)/* 此异常只能来自Secure */
   SMC_RET1(handle, SMC_UNK);
        /* 此异常只能发生一次 */
  assert(tsp_vectors == NULL);
  tsp_vectors = (tsp_vectors_t *) x1;/* 记录服务函数 */

  if (tsp_vectors) {
           /* 记录状态 */
   set_tsp_pstate(tsp_ctx->state, TSP_PSTATE_ON);

   /* TSP初始化完才,注册电源管理句柄 */

           /* S-EL1注册中断处理函数 */
   flags = 0;
   set_interrupt_rm_flag(flags, NON_SECURE);
   rc = register_interrupt_type_handler(INTR_TYPE_S_EL1,
   if (rc)

   /* Non-Secure注册中断处理函数 */
   flags = 0;
   set_interrupt_rm_flag(flags, SECURE);

   rc = register_interrupt_type_handler(INTR_TYPE_NS,
   if (rc)

   /* 禁止中断 */
   disable_intr_rm_local(INTR_TYPE_NS, SECURE);

  /* 启动BL33(APPBL) */
  assert(cm_get_context(SECURE) == &tsp_ctx->cpu_ctx);
  next_image_info = bl31_plat_get_next_image_ep_info(NON_SECURE);
  assert(NON_SECURE ==
  /* 返回tspd_synchronous_sp_entry处继续BL31的main方法 */
  tspd_synchronous_sp_exit(tsp_ctx, x1);

 SMC_RET1(handle, SMC_UNK);


上上面遗产处理中,有一组特别的函数tspd_synchronous_sp_entry 、tspd_synchronous_sp_exittspd_synchronous_sp_entry用于退出异常执行下一级BLtspd_synchronous_sp_exit用于下一级BL执行结束后通过SMC返回,然后跳转到tspd_synchronous_sp_entry后继续执行。


uint64_t tspd_synchronous_sp_entry(tsp_context_t *tsp_ctx)
 uint64_t rc;

 assert(tsp_ctx != NULL);
 assert(tsp_ctx->c_rt_ctx == 0);
 assert(cm_get_context(SECURE) == &tsp_ctx->cpu_ctx);
   /* 恢复SECURE下的系统寄存器 */
   /* 设置遗产返回相关的寄存器,以便异常退出后执行对应的程序 */
   /* 保存x19-x30到堆栈,并记录堆栈指针到tsp_ctx->c_rt_ctx */
 rc = tspd_enter_sp(&tsp_ctx->c_rt_ctx);
 tsp_ctx->c_rt_ctx = 0;

 return rc;

void tspd_synchronous_sp_exit(tsp_context_t *tsp_ctx, uint64_t ret)
 assert(tsp_ctx != NULL);
 assert(cm_get_context(SECURE) == &tsp_ctx->cpu_ctx);
    /* 保存SECURE下的系统寄存器 */

 assert(tsp_ctx->c_rt_ctx != 0);
   /* 通过tsp_ctx->c_rt_ctx恢复SP,并从堆栈中恢复x19-x30 */
 tspd_exit_sp(tsp_ctx->c_rt_ctx, ret);

 /* 此处不会执行 */


    .global    tspd_enter_sp
func tspd_enter_sp
    /* 保存SP到X0指定的地址 */
    mov    x3, sp
    str    x3, [x0, #0]    
    /* 开辟栈空间保存x19-x30 */
    sub    sp, sp, #TSPD_C_RT_CTX_SIZE
    stp    x19, x20, [sp, #TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X19]
    stp    x21, x22, [sp, #TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X21]
    stp    x23, x24, [sp, #TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X23]
    stp    x25, x26, [sp, #TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X25]
    stp    x27, x28, [sp, #TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X27]
    stp    x29, x30, [sp, #TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X29]

    /* 遗产退出执行下一级BL */
    b    el3_exit
endfunc tspd_enter_sp

    .global tspd_exit_sp
func tspd_exit_sp
    /* 恢复堆栈指针 */
    mov    sp, x0

    /* 恢复x19-x30 */
    ldp    x19, x20, [x0, #(TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X19 - TSPD_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]
    ldp    x21, x22, [x0, #(TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X21 - TSPD_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]
    ldp    x23, x24, [x0, #(TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X23 - TSPD_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]
    ldp    x25, x26, [x0, #(TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X25 - TSPD_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]
    ldp    x27, x28, [x0, #(TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X27 - TSPD_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]
    ldp    x29, x30, [x0, #(TSPD_C_RT_CTX_X29 - TSPD_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]

    /* 返回x1 */
    mov    x0, x1
    ret/* 通过x30返回,将返回到CALL tspd_enter_sp的下一条指令 */
endfunc tspd_exit_sp



    /* Check whether aarch32 issued an SMC64 */
    tbnz    x0, #FUNCID_CC_SHIFT, smc_prohibited

     * Since we're are coming from aarch32, x8-x18 need to be saved as per
     * SMC32 calling convention. If a lower EL in aarch64 is making an
     * SMC32 call then it must have saved x8-x17 already therein.
    stp    x8, x9, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X8]
    stp    x10, x11, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X10]
    stp    x12, x13, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X12]
    stp    x14, x15, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X14]
    stp    x16, x17, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X16]

    /* x4-x7, x18, sp_el0 are saved below */
     * Populate the parameters for the SMC handler.
     * We already have x0-x4 in place. x5 will point to a cookie (not used
     * now). x6 will point to the context structure (SP_EL3) and x7 will
     * contain flags we need to pass to the handler Hence save x5-x7.
     * Note: x4 only needs to be preserved for AArch32 callers but we do it
     *       for AArch64 callers as well for convenience
    stp    x4, x5, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X4]
    stp    x6, x7, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X6]

    /* Save rest of the gpregs and sp_el0*/

    mov    x5, xzr
    mov    x6, sp

    /* Get the unique owning entity number */
    /* X0用于确定调用的功能
     * b31    调用类型 1->Fast Call 0->Yielding Call
     * b30    标示32bit还是64bit调用
     * b29:24 服务类型
     *           0x0  ARM架构相关
     *           0x1  CPU服务
     *           0x2  SiP服务
     *           0x3  OEM服务
     *           0x4  标准安全服务
     *           0x5  标准Hypervisor服务
     *           0x6  厂商定制的Hypervisor服务
     *     0x07-0x2f  预留
     *     0x30-0x31  Trusted Application Calls
     *     0x32-0x3f  Trusted OS Calls
     * b23:16 在Fast Call时这些比特位必须为0,其他值保留未用
     *        ARMv7传统的Trusted OS在Fast Call时必须为1
     * b15:0  函数号
    ubfx    x16, x0, #FUNCID_OEN_SHIFT, #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH   /* 服务类型 */
    ubfx    x15, x0, #FUNCID_TYPE_SHIFT, #FUNCID_TYPE_WIDTH /* 调用类型 */
    orr    x16, x16, x15, lsl #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH

    /* __RT_SVC_DESCS_START__为rt_svc_descs段的起始地址,此段存放服务描述符
     * RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE为服务句柄在服务描述符结构体中的偏移量
     * 以下代码保存第一个复位句柄的地址到x11中
    adr    x11, (__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ + RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE)

    /* Load descriptor index from array of indices */
    /* 因为描述符在内存中布局是乱的通过rt_svc_descs_indices数组来查找描述符在内存中的位置
     * rt_svc_descs_indices为rt_svc_descs的索引
    adr    x14, rt_svc_descs_indices
    ldrb    w15, [x14, x16]

     * Restore the saved C runtime stack value which will become the new
     * SP_EL0 i.e. EL3 runtime stack. It was saved in the 'cpu_context'
     * structure prior to the last ERET from EL3.
    ldr    x12, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]

     * Any index greater than 127 is invalid. Check bit 7 for
     * a valid index
    tbnz    w15, 7, smc_unknown/* 索引的值不应该大于127 */

    /* Switch to SP_EL0 */
    msr    spsel, #0

     * Get the descriptor using the index
     * x11 = (base + off), x15 = index
     * handler = (base + off) + (index << log2(size))
    lsl    w10, w15, #RT_SVC_SIZE_LOG2/* 计算偏移量 */
    ldr    x15, [x11, w10, uxtw]/* 加载出对应服务的句柄 */

     * Save the SPSR_EL3, ELR_EL3, & SCR_EL3 in case there is a world
     * switch during SMC handling.
     * TODO: Revisit if all system registers can be saved later.
    mrs    x16, spsr_el3
    mrs    x17, elr_el3
    mrs    x18, scr_el3
    stp    x16, x17, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]
    str    x18, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SCR_EL3]

    /* Copy SCR_EL3.NS bit to the flag to indicate caller's security */
    bfi    x7, x18, #0, #1/* x7用于传递给服务函数security state */

    mov    sp, x12

     * Call the Secure Monitor Call handler and then drop directly into
     * el3_exit() which will program any remaining architectural state
     * prior to issuing the ERET to the desired lower EL.
    cbz    x15, rt_svc_fw_critical_error/* x15等于0说明有错误存在 */
    blr    x15 /* 调用对应的服务 */

    b    el3_exit/* 异常恢复 */


typedef uintptr_t (*rt_svc_handle_t)(uint32_t smc_fid,
      u_register_t x1,
      u_register_t x2,
      u_register_t x3,
      u_register_t x4,
      void *cookie,
      void *handle,
      u_register_t flags);



/* 中断类型定义 */
#define INTR_TYPE_S_EL1   0
#define INTR_TYPE_EL3   1
#define INTR_TYPE_NS   2
#define MAX_INTR_TYPES   3 

/* 中断函数句柄 */
typedef uint64_t (*interrupt_type_handler_t)(uint32_t id,
          uint32_t flags,
          void *handle,
          void *cookie);

typedef struct intr_type_desc {
   /* 中断处理函数 */
 interrupt_type_handler_t handler;
   /* 中断的路由模式:
 uint32_t flags; 
   /* 记录两种安全状态下(SCR_EL3.FIQ SCR_EL3.IRQ)的掩码(置位用) */
 uint32_t scr_el3[2];
} intr_type_desc_t;

/* 根据中断分类,保存的函数句柄 */
static intr_type_desc_t intr_type_descs[MAX_INTR_TYPES];


uint32_t get_scr_el3_from_routing_model(uint32_t security_state)
 uint32_t scr_el3;
 assert(sec_state_is_valid(security_state));/* 确定是有效的Security state */
   /* 获取每一种中断的路由控制位 */
 scr_el3 = intr_type_descs[INTR_TYPE_NS].scr_el3[security_state];
 scr_el3 |= intr_type_descs[INTR_TYPE_S_EL1].scr_el3[security_state];
 scr_el3 |= intr_type_descs[INTR_TYPE_EL3].scr_el3[security_state];
 return scr_el3;


/* type为中断类型
 * flags为路由模式
 *   Bit0在Secure时中断要不要路由到EL3
 *  Bit1在Non-Secure时中断要不要路由到EL3
int32_t set_routing_model(uint32_t type, uint32_t flags)
 int32_t rc;

 rc = validate_interrupt_type(type);/* 校验中断类型 */
 if (rc)
  return rc;

 rc = validate_routing_model(type, flags);/* 校验路由模式 */
 if (rc)
  return rc;
 intr_type_descs[type].flags = flags;/* 更新路由模式 */
 set_scr_el3_from_rm(type, flags, SECURE);/* 更新scr_el3[SECURE] */
 set_scr_el3_from_rm(type, flags, NON_SECURE);/* 更新scr_el3[NON_SECURE] */

 return 0;


int32_t register_interrupt_type_handler(uint32_t type,/* 中断类型 */
     interrupt_type_handler_t handler,/* 中断处理句柄 */
     uint32_t flags)/* 路由模式标志 
         *  Bit0在Secure时中断要不要路由到EL3
          * Bit1在Non-Secure时中断要不要路由到EL3*/
 int32_t rc;

 /* 确认中断处理句柄不是空指针 */
 if (!handler)
  return -EINVAL;

 /* 校验路由模式有效 */
 if (flags & INTR_TYPE_FLAGS_MASK)
  return -EINVAL;

 /* 中断处理句柄只能注册一次,此处检查中断处理句柄有无注册 */
 if (intr_type_descs[type].handler)
  return -EALREADY;
   /* 根据中断类型设置路由模式 */
 rc = set_routing_model(type, flags);
 if (rc)
  return rc;

 /* 保存中断处理句柄 */
 intr_type_descs[type].handler = handler;

 return 0;


interrupt_type_handler_t get_interrupt_type_handler(uint32_t type)
   /* 校验是否是合法的中断类型 */
 if (validate_interrupt_type(type))
  return NULL;
 /* 根据中断类型获取对应的中断处理句柄 */
 return intr_type_descs[type].handler;


int enable_intr_rm_local(uint32_t type, uint32_t security_state)
 uint32_t bit_pos, flag;
 /* 判断有无中断处理句柄,操作没有中断句柄的中断是非法的 */
   /* 获取对应安全模式对应中断类型的中断的路由模式 */
 flag = get_interrupt_rm_flag(intr_type_descs[type].flags,
 /* 获取对应中断的bit_pos,即FIQ IRQ */
 bit_pos = plat_interrupt_type_to_line(type, security_state);
   /* 写SCR_EL3的路由控制位 SCR_EL3 |= flag << bit_pos */
 cm_write_scr_el3_bit(security_state, bit_pos, flag);

 return 0;


int disable_intr_rm_local(uint32_t type, uint32_t security_state)
 uint32_t bit_pos, flag;
 /* 判断有无中断处理句柄,操作没有中断句柄的中断是非法的 */
   /* 获取对应安全模式对应中断类型的中断的路由模式 */
    *     Bit0 = 0 Secure中断不路由到EL3
    *     Bit1 = 1 Non-Secure中断不路由到EL3
 flag = get_interrupt_rm_flag(INTR_DEFAULT_RM, security_state);
   /* 获取对应中断的bit_pos,即FIQ IRQ */
 bit_pos = plat_interrupt_type_to_line(type, security_state);
   /* 写SCR_EL3的路由控制位 SCR_EL3 |= flag << bit_pos */
 cm_write_scr_el3_bit(security_state, bit_pos, flag);

 return 0;
   /* 此宏用于FIQ IRQ处理 */
    .macro    handle_interrupt_exception label
    /* Enable the SError interrupt */
    /* 使能SError中断 */
    msr    daifclr, #DAIF_ABT_BIT

    /* 保存x0-x30 sp_el1 */
    str    x30, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_LR]
    bl    save_gp_registers/* 因为此处为函数调用会修改lr(x30),所以lr需要提前保存 */

    /* Save the EL3 system registers needed to return from this exception */
    mrs    x0, spsr_el3 /* 获取进入异常前的程序状态寄存器 */
    mrs    x1, elr_el3  /* 获取程序被中断的异常地址 */
    /* 保存进入异常的程序状态和异常地址 */
    stp    x0, x1, [sp, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]

    /* Switch to the runtime stack i.e. SP_EL0 */
    ldr    x2, [sp, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]
    mov    x20, sp   /* 保护中断现场保护指针,用于修改返回值 对应中断处理函数的handle参数 */
    msr    spsel, #0
    mov    sp, x2 /* 切换到EL0的SP指针 */

     * Find out whether this is a valid interrupt type.
     * If the interrupt controller reports a spurious interrupt then return
     * to where we came from.
    bl    plat_ic_get_pending_interrupt_type /* 获取中断类型 */
    cmp    x0, #INTR_TYPE_INVAL
    b.eq    interrupt_exit_\label /* 非法类型直接退出 */

     * Get the registered handler for this interrupt type.
     * A NULL return value could be 'cause of the following conditions:
     * a. An interrupt of a type was routed correctly but a handler for its
     *    type was not registered.
     * b. An interrupt of a type was not routed correctly so a handler for
     *    its type was not registered.
     * c. An interrupt of a type was routed correctly to EL3, but was
     *    deasserted before its pending state could be read. Another
     *    interrupt of a different type pended at the same time and its
     *    type was reported as pending instead. However, a handler for this
     *    type was not registered.
     * a. and b. can only happen due to a programming error. The
     * occurrence of c. could be beyond the control of Trusted Firmware.
     * It makes sense to return from this exception instead of reporting an
     * error.
    bl    get_interrupt_type_handler /* 获取中断处理函数 */
    cbz    x0, interrupt_exit_\label  /* 函数指针为0,直接退出 */
    mov    x21, x0

    mov    x0, #INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE /* 参数id */

    /* Set the current security state in the 'flags' parameter */
    mrs    x2, scr_el3
    ubfx    x1, x2, #0, #1    /* 获取Security state,对应中断处理函数的flags参数 */

    /* Restore the reference to the 'handle' i.e. SP_EL3 */
    mov    x2, x20 /* x2指向SP_EL3 用于修改返回值*/

    /* x3 will point to a cookie (not used now) */
    mov    x3, xzr

    /* Call the interrupt type handler */
    blr    x21

    /* Return from exception, possibly in a different security state */
    b    el3_exit







    .globl    bl1_entrypoint
func bl1_entrypoint /* BL1的程序入口 */
     /* EL3通用的初始化宏 */
    el3_entrypoint_common                    \
        _set_endian=1        /* 大小端初始化 */\
        _warm_boot_mailbox=!PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS    /* 热启动分支执行 */\
        _secondary_cold_boot=!COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU /* 次处理器进入低功耗模式 */\
        _init_memory=1    /* 内存初始化 */\
        _init_c_runtime=1    /* 初始化堆栈(SP)等 */\
        _exception_vectors=bl1_exceptions /* 设置异常向量 */

     * bl1_early_platform_setup
     * 初始化看梦狗、串口(用于输出调试信息)
     * 更新BL1内存布局到bl1_tzram_layout
    bl    bl1_early_platform_setup

     * bl1_plat_arch_setup
     * 根据内存布局设置页表并使能MMU
    bl    bl1_plat_arch_setup

    /* --------------------------------------------------
     * 转到主程序
     * --------------------------------------------------
    bl    bl1_main

    /* --------------------------------------------------
     * 退出异常,执行下一级BL
     * --------------------------------------------------
    b    el3_exit
endfunc bl1_entrypoint


void bl1_main(void)
 unsigned int image_id;

 /* 输出一些提示信息 */
 NOTICE("BL1: %s\n", version_string);
 NOTICE("BL1: %s\n", build_message);

 INFO("BL1: RAM %p - %p\n", (void *)BL1_RAM_BASE,
     (void *)BL1_RAM_LIMIT);


  * 异常检测,查看汇编中初始化是否正常
 u_register_t val;
#ifdef AARCH32
 val = read_sctlr();
 val = read_sctlr_el3();
 assert(val & SCTLR_M_BIT);
 assert(val & SCTLR_C_BIT);
 assert(val & SCTLR_I_BIT);
 val = (read_ctr_el0() >> CTR_CWG_SHIFT) & CTR_CWG_MASK;
 if (val != 0)

 /* 设置下一级EL可以运行在64bit */

 /* 初始化认证模块 */

 /* 具体硬件相关设置(IO外设等) */

 /* 获取下一级要执行的镜像id */
 image_id = bl1_plat_get_next_image_id();

 if (image_id == BL2_IMAGE_ID)
  bl1_load_bl2();/* 加载BL2到内存 */
  NOTICE("BL1-FWU: *******FWU Process Started*******\n");

 /* 执行环境配置,在程序结束后可以执行下一个镜像 */



 * BL1的异常向量表
 * plat_report_exception用与指示异常与具体架构有关
 * no_ret 是一个bl的宏,用于指示被调用的函数没有返回值
 * plat_panic_handler是一个死循环,在程序出错时停止程序的运行
 * check_vecror_size用于检查代码有没有越界(一个异常向量只有128Byte)
 * BL1只处理低异常等级的SMC调用,其他异常全部非法
    .globl    bl1_exceptions

vector_base bl1_exceptions

    /* -----------------------------------------------------
     * Current EL with SP0 : 0x0 - 0x200
     * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionSP0
    mov    x0, #SYNC_EXCEPTION_SP_EL0
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionSP0

vector_entry IrqSP0
    mov    x0, #IRQ_SP_EL0
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size IrqSP0

vector_entry FiqSP0
    mov    x0, #FIQ_SP_EL0
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size FiqSP0

vector_entry SErrorSP0
    mov    x0, #SERROR_SP_EL0
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size SErrorSP0

    /* -----------------------------------------------------
     * Current EL with SPx: 0x200 - 0x400
     * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionSPx
    mov    x0, #SYNC_EXCEPTION_SP_ELX
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionSPx

vector_entry IrqSPx
    mov    x0, #IRQ_SP_ELX
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size IrqSPx

vector_entry FiqSPx
    mov    x0, #FIQ_SP_ELX
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size FiqSPx

vector_entry SErrorSPx
    mov    x0, #SERROR_SP_ELX
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size SErrorSPx

    /* -----------------------------------------------------
     * Lower EL using AArch64 : 0x400 - 0x600
     * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionA64
    /* 使能SError中断 */
    msr    daifclr, #DAIF_ABT_BIT

    /* 保存x30下面需要使用x30作临时寄存器分析异常的原因 */
    str    x30, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_LR]

    /* Expect only SMC exceptions */
    mrs    x30, esr_el3 /* 获取异常的原因 */
    ubfx    x30, x30, #ESR_EC_SHIFT, #ESR_EC_LENGTH
    cmp    x30, #EC_AARCH64_SMC    unexpected_sync_exception /* 报告非法异常(只处理AArch64 SMC调用) */

    b    smc_handler64 /* 处理低异常等级SMC调用 */
    check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionA64

vector_entry IrqA64
    mov    x0, #IRQ_AARCH64
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size IrqA64

vector_entry FiqA64
    mov    x0, #FIQ_AARCH64
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size FiqA64

vector_entry SErrorA64
    mov    x0, #SERROR_AARCH64
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size SErrorA64

    /* -----------------------------------------------------
     * Lower EL using AArch32 : 0x600 - 0x800
     * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionA32
    mov    x0, #SYNC_EXCEPTION_AARCH32
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size SynchronousExceptionA32

vector_entry IrqA32
    mov    x0, #IRQ_AARCH32
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size IrqA32

vector_entry FiqA32
    mov    x0, #FIQ_AARCH32
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size FiqA32

vector_entry SErrorA32
    mov    x0, #SERROR_AARCH32
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler
    check_vector_size SErrorA32

func smc_handler64

    /* RUN_IMAGE SMC调用,用于运行低异常等级的镜像,并执行在EL3,
     * 即不返回调用的位置,所以需要特别处理 */
    mov    x30, #BL1_SMC_RUN_IMAGE
    cmp    x30, x0    smc_handler/* 其他SMC调用 */

    /* 确定在secure world执行RUN_IMAGE SMC调用 */
    mrs    x30, scr_el3
    tst    x30, #SCR_NS_BIT    unexpected_sync_exception/* 报告异常 */

    /* 加载出异常退出时保存的SP,切换到SP_EL0 */
    ldr    x30, [sp, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]
    msr    spsel, #0
    mov    sp, x30

     * bl1_print_next_bl_ep_info用于打印要执行的镜像文件的地址参数
     * 这些参数保存在entry_point_info_t结构体中
     * x1为指针指向entry_point_info_t
    mov    x20, x1
    mov    x0, x20
    bl    bl1_print_next_bl_ep_info

    ldp    x0, x1, [x20, #ENTRY_POINT_INFO_PC_OFFSET]/* 获取pc、spsr */
    msr    elr_el3, x0/* 修改返回地址,用来在异常退出时执行指定的镜像文件 */
    msr    spsr_el3, x1/* 修改返回的cpsr,可以修改异常等级 */
    ubfx    x0, x1, #MODE_EL_SHIFT, #2
    cmp    x0, #MODE_EL3/* 执行的镜像必须为EL3,为后面的代码放开权限 */    unexpected_sync_exception

    bl    disable_mmu_icache_el3
    tlbi    alle3

    bl    print_debug_loop_message
    b    debug_loop

    mov    x0, x20
    bl    bl1_plat_prepare_exit
    /* 从x1指定的结构体中获取参数,并退出异常 */
    ldp    x6, x7, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x30)]
    ldp    x4, x5, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x20)]
    ldp    x2, x3, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x10)]
    ldp    x0, x1, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x0)]
endfunc smc_handler64

    mov    x0, #SYNC_EXCEPTION_AARCH64
    bl    plat_report_exception
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler

    bl    save_gp_registers/* 保存x0-x29,LR(x30)在之前已经保存过了 */
    mov    x5, xzr/* x5作为cookie参数传递给异常函数现在未用 */
    mov    x6, sp /* x6为作为handle传递给异常处理函数,x6为堆栈的指针,便于遗产函数设置返回值 */

    /* 加载出上一次异常退出的SP指针 */
    ldr    x12, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * Switch back to SP_EL0 for the C runtime stack.
     * ---------------------------------------------
    msr    spsel, #0
    mov    sp, x12

    /* -----------------------------------------------------
     * 保存spsr_el3、elr_el3、scr_el3寄存器
     * 在el3_exit时可以退出到进入遗产的位置
     * -----------------------------------------------------
    mrs    x16, spsr_el3
    mrs    x17, elr_el3
    mrs    x18, scr_el3
    stp    x16, x17, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]
    str    x18, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SCR_EL3]

    /* 传递给异常处理函数的参数flag,标记之前是否在Secure Word */
    bfi    x7, x18, #0, #1

    /* -----------------------------------------------------
     * 跳转到证实的异常处理函数
     * -----------------------------------------------------
    bl    bl1_smc_handler

    /* -----------------------------------------------------
     * 遗产调用返回,返回到调用位置
     * -----------------------------------------------------
    b    el3_exit







    .globl    bl2_entrypoint

func bl2_entrypoint
    mov    x20, x1 /* x1保存了内存布局信息 */

    /* 设置异常处理函数 */
    adr    x0, early_exceptions
    msr    vbar_el1, x0

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * 使能异常
     * ---------------------------------------------
    msr    daifclr, #DAIF_ABT_BIT

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * 使能指令缓存,使能堆栈数据访问对齐检查
     * ---------------------------------------------
    mov    x1, #(SCTLR_I_BIT | SCTLR_A_BIT | SCTLR_SA_BIT)
    mrs    x0, sctlr_el1
    orr    x0, x0, x1
    msr    sctlr_el1, x0

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * 失效内存
     * ---------------------------------------------
    adr    x0, __RW_START__
    adr    x1, __RW_END__
    sub    x1, x1, x0
    bl    inv_dcache_range

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * BSS内存初始化
     * ---------------------------------------------
    ldr    x0, =__BSS_START__
    ldr    x1, =__BSS_SIZE__
    bl    zeromem16

    ldr    x0, =__COHERENT_RAM_START__
    bl    zeromem16

    /* --------------------------------------------
     * 设置SP指针
     * --------------------------------------------
    bl    plat_set_my_stack

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * 串口初始化,更新内存布局信息,并初始化页表使能mmu
     * ---------------------------------------------
    mov    x0, x20
    bl    bl2_early_platform_setup
    bl    bl2_plat_arch_setup

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * 跳转到主函数(通过SMC执行下一级BL不会返回)
     * ---------------------------------------------
    bl    bl2_main

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     * 下面的代码不会执行
     * ---------------------------------------------
    no_ret    plat_panic_handler

endfunc bl2_entrypoint


void bl2_main(void)
 entry_point_info_t *next_bl_ep_info;
 /* 输出提示信息 */
 NOTICE("BL2: %s\n", version_string);
 NOTICE("BL2: %s\n", build_message);

 /* 初始化,这里开启FP/SIMD的访问权限 */

  * 初始化认证模块
  * 初始化加密库(crypto_mod),加密库可以用于校验签名和哈希
  * 初始化镜像解析模块(img_parser_mod),用于校验镜像完整性以及从镜像中提取内容

 /* 此处不不只是加载BL2,此处会加载校验所有的BL */
 next_bl_ep_info = bl2_load_images();

#ifdef AARCH32
  * For AArch32 state BL1 and BL2 share the MMU setup.
  * Given that BL2 does not map BL1 regions, MMU needs
  * to be disabled in order to go back to BL1.
#endif /* AARCH32 */

  /* 通过SMC系统调用运行下一级BL,下一级BL将跳转到EL3 */
 smc(BL1_SMC_RUN_IMAGE, (unsigned long)next_bl_ep_info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);







func bl31_entrypoint#if !RESET_TO_BL31     /* 由前端bootloader引导进入,这时cpu会通过X0/X1传递信息      * X0指向`bl31_params`结构体      * X1指向特定架构相关的结构体      */    mov    x20, x0    mov    x21, x1     /* 因为前端bootloader已经初始化了一部分类容,这里只要初始化当前内核的运行环境 */    el3_entrypoint_common                    \        _set_endian=0                    \        _warm_boot_mailbox=0                \        _secondary_cold_boot=0                \        _init_memory=0                    \        _init_c_runtime=1                \        _exception_vectors=runtime_exceptions     /* 恢复之前保存的参数 */    mov    x0, x20    mov    x1, x21#else     /* 由前端cpu复位进入,这时需要重新初始化,非主核cpu不需要初始化 */    el3_entrypoint_common                    \        _set_endian=1                    \        _warm_boot_mailbox=!PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS    \        _secondary_cold_boot=!COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU    \        _init_memory=1                    \        _init_c_runtime=1                \        _exception_vectors=runtime_exceptions     /* 前端没有参数传递进来,给指针赋值0 */    mov    x0, 0    mov    x1, 0#endif /* RESET_TO_BL31 */    bl    bl31_early_platform_setup/* 初始化cpu内部初始化,初始化执行环境 */    bl    bl31_plat_arch_setup/* 初始化页表 */    /* ---------------------------------------------     * Jump to main function.     * ---------------------------------------------     */    bl    bl31_main     /* 把BL31的data段同步到内存 */    adr    x0, __DATA_START__    adr    x1, __DATA_END__    sub    x1, x1, x0    bl    clean_dcache_range    /* 把BL31的bss段同步到内存 */    adr    x0, __BSS_START__    adr    x1, __BSS_END__    sub    x1, x1, x0    bl    clean_dcache_range    /* 退出异常,并执行下一个镜像 */    b    el3_exitendfunc bl31_entrypoint


void bl31_main(void)
 NOTICE("BL31: %s\n", version_string);
 NOTICE("BL31: %s\n", build_message);

 /* 系统相关的初始化 */

 /* 初始化系统服务,并构造索引rt_svc_descs_indices */
 INFO("BL31: Initializing runtime services\n");

   /* 判对有无bl31,执行对应的初始化 */
 if (bl32_init) {
  INFO("BL31: Initializing BL32\n");

  /* 初始化下一级BL的执行环境,以便异常返回时执行下一级BL */

  /* 从BL31退出前执行与特定平台相关的初始化工作 */



.globl    runtime_exceptions

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * This macro handles Synchronous exceptions.
     * Only SMC exceptions are supported.
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     /* 同步异常处理只处理smc相关的调用 */
    .macro    handle_sync_exception
    /* Enable the SError interrupt */
    msr    daifclr, #DAIF_ABT_BIT

    /* 保存x30下面要分析异常来源 */
    str    x30, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_LR]

     * Read the timestamp value and store it in per-cpu data. The value
     * will be extracted from per-cpu data by the C level SMC handler and
     * saved to the PMF timestamp region.
    mrs    x30, cntpct_el0/* 时钟 */
    str    x29, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X29]
    mrs    x29, tpidr_el3 /* tpidr_el3 cpu标示 */
    str    x30, [x29, #CPU_DATA_PMF_TS0_OFFSET]
    ldr    x29, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X29]
    /* 获取exceptions code */
    mrs    x30, esr_el3
    ubfx    x30, x30, #ESR_EC_SHIFT, #ESR_EC_LENGTH

    /* Handle SMC exceptions separately from other synchronous exceptions */
    cmp    x30, #EC_AARCH32_SMC
    b.eq    smc_handler32 /* 32bit SMC调用 */

    cmp    x30, #EC_AARCH64_SMC
    b.eq    smc_handler64 /* 64bit SMC调用 */

    /* Other kinds of synchronous exceptions are not handled */
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * This macro handles FIQ or IRQ interrupts i.e. EL3, S-EL1 and NS
     * interrupts.
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    .macro    handle_interrupt_exception label
    /* Enable the SError interrupt */
    msr    daifclr, #DAIF_ABT_BIT

    /* 保存x0-x30 sp_el1 */
    str    x30, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_LR]
    bl    save_gp_registers/* 因为此处为函数调用会修改lr(x30),所以lr需要提前保存 */

    /* Save the EL3 system registers needed to return from this exception */
    mrs    x0, spsr_el3 /* 获取进入异常前的程序状态寄存器 */
    mrs    x1, elr_el3  /* 获取程序被中断的异常地址 */
    /* 保存进入异常的程序状态和异常地址 */
    stp    x0, x1, [sp, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]

    /* Switch to the runtime stack i.e. SP_EL0 */
    ldr    x2, [sp, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]
    mov    x20, sp
    msr    spsel, #0
    mov    sp, x2 /* 切换到EL0的SP指针 */

     * Find out whether this is a valid interrupt type.
     * If the interrupt controller reports a spurious interrupt then return
     * to where we came from.
    bl    plat_ic_get_pending_interrupt_type
    cmp    x0, #INTR_TYPE_INVAL
    b.eq    interrupt_exit_\label

     * Get the registered handler for this interrupt type.
     * A NULL return value could be 'cause of the following conditions:
     * a. An interrupt of a type was routed correctly but a handler for its
     *    type was not registered.
     * b. An interrupt of a type was not routed correctly so a handler for
     *    its type was not registered.
     * c. An interrupt of a type was routed correctly to EL3, but was
     *    deasserted before its pending state could be read. Another
     *    interrupt of a different type pended at the same time and its
     *    type was reported as pending instead. However, a handler for this
     *    type was not registered.
     * a. and b. can only happen due to a programming error. The
     * occurrence of c. could be beyond the control of Trusted Firmware.
     * It makes sense to return from this exception instead of reporting an
     * error.
    bl    get_interrupt_type_handler
    cbz    x0, interrupt_exit_\label
    mov    x21, x0

    mov    x0, #INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE

    /* Set the current security state in the 'flags' parameter */
    mrs    x2, scr_el3
    ubfx    x1, x2, #0, #1

    /* Restore the reference to the 'handle' i.e. SP_EL3 */
    mov    x2, x20

    /* x3 will point to a cookie (not used now) */
    mov    x3, xzr

    /* Call the interrupt type handler */
    blr    x21

    /* Return from exception, possibly in a different security state */
    b    el3_exit


    .macro save_x18_to_x29_sp_el0
    stp    x18, x19, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X18]
    stp    x20, x21, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X20]
    stp    x22, x23, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X22]
    stp    x24, x25, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X24]
    stp    x26, x27, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X26]
    stp    x28, x29, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X28]
    mrs    x18, sp_el0
    str    x18, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_SP_EL0]

vector_base runtime_exceptions

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Current EL with SP_EL0 : 0x0 - 0x200
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
vector_entry sync_exception_sp_el0
    /* We don't expect any synchronous exceptions from EL3 */
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception
    check_vector_size sync_exception_sp_el0

vector_entry irq_sp_el0
     * EL3 code is non-reentrant. Any asynchronous exception is a serious
     * error. Loop infinitely.
    no_ret    report_unhandled_interrupt
    check_vector_size irq_sp_el0

vector_entry fiq_sp_el0
    no_ret    report_unhandled_interrupt
    check_vector_size fiq_sp_el0

vector_entry serror_sp_el0
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception
    check_vector_size serror_sp_el0

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Current EL with SP_ELx: 0x200 - 0x400
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
vector_entry sync_exception_sp_elx
     * This exception will trigger if anything went wrong during a previous
     * exception entry or exit or while handling an earlier unexpected
     * synchronous exception. There is a high probability that SP_EL3 is
     * corrupted.
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception
    check_vector_size sync_exception_sp_elx

vector_entry irq_sp_elx
    no_ret    report_unhandled_interrupt
    check_vector_size irq_sp_elx

vector_entry fiq_sp_elx
    no_ret    report_unhandled_interrupt
    check_vector_size fiq_sp_elx

vector_entry serror_sp_elx
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception
    check_vector_size serror_sp_elx

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Lower EL using AArch64 : 0x400 - 0x600
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
vector_entry sync_exception_aarch64
     * This exception vector will be the entry point for SMCs and traps
     * that are unhandled at lower ELs most commonly. SP_EL3 should point
     * to a valid cpu context where the general purpose and system register
     * state can be saved.
    check_vector_size sync_exception_aarch64

vector_entry irq_aarch64
    handle_interrupt_exception irq_aarch64
    check_vector_size irq_aarch64

vector_entry fiq_aarch64
    handle_interrupt_exception fiq_aarch64
    check_vector_size fiq_aarch64

vector_entry serror_aarch64
     * SError exceptions from lower ELs are not currently supported.
     * Report their occurrence.
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception
    check_vector_size serror_aarch64

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Lower EL using AArch32 : 0x600 - 0x800
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
vector_entry sync_exception_aarch32
     * This exception vector will be the entry point for SMCs and traps
     * that are unhandled at lower ELs most commonly. SP_EL3 should point
     * to a valid cpu context where the general purpose and system register
     * state can be saved.
    check_vector_size sync_exception_aarch32

vector_entry irq_aarch32
    handle_interrupt_exception irq_aarch32
    check_vector_size irq_aarch32

vector_entry fiq_aarch32
    handle_interrupt_exception fiq_aarch32
    check_vector_size fiq_aarch32

vector_entry serror_aarch32
     * SError exceptions from lower ELs are not currently supported.
     * Report their occurrence.
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception
    check_vector_size serror_aarch32

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * The following code handles secure monitor calls.
     * Depending upon the execution state from where the SMC has been
     * invoked, it frees some general purpose registers to perform the
     * remaining tasks. They involve finding the runtime service handler
     * that is the target of the SMC & switching to runtime stacks (SP_EL0)
     * before calling the handler.
     * Note that x30 has been explicitly saved and can be used here
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
func smc_handler
    /* Check whether aarch32 issued an SMC64 */
    tbnz    x0, #FUNCID_CC_SHIFT, smc_prohibited

     * Since we're are coming from aarch32, x8-x18 need to be saved as per
     * SMC32 calling convention. If a lower EL in aarch64 is making an
     * SMC32 call then it must have saved x8-x17 already therein.
    stp    x8, x9, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X8]
    stp    x10, x11, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X10]
    stp    x12, x13, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X12]
    stp    x14, x15, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X14]
    stp    x16, x17, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X16]

    /* x4-x7, x18, sp_el0 are saved below */

     * Populate the parameters for the SMC handler.
     * We already have x0-x4 in place. x5 will point to a cookie (not used
     * now). x6 will point to the context structure (SP_EL3) and x7 will
     * contain flags we need to pass to the handler Hence save x5-x7.
     * Note: x4 only needs to be preserved for AArch32 callers but we do it
     *       for AArch64 callers as well for convenience
    stp    x4, x5, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X4]
    stp    x6, x7, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X6]

    /* Save rest of the gpregs and sp_el0*/

    mov    x5, xzr
    mov    x6, sp

    /* Get the unique owning entity number */
    /* X0用于确定调用的功能
     * b31    调用类型 1->Fast Call 0->Yielding Call
     * b30    标示32bit还是64bit调用
     * b29:24 服务类型
     *           0x0  ARM架构相关
     *           0x1  CPU服务
     *           0x2  SiP服务
     *           0x3  OEM服务
     *           0x4  标准安全服务
     *           0x5  标准Hypervisor服务
     *           0x6  厂商定制的Hypervisor服务
     *     0x07-0x2f  预留
     *     0x30-0x31  Trusted Application Calls
     *     0x32-0x3f  Trusted OS Calls
     * b23:16 在Fast Call时这些比特位必须为0,其他值保留未用
     *        ARMv7传统的Trusted OS在Fast Call时必须为1
     * b15:0  函数号
    ubfx    x16, x0, #FUNCID_OEN_SHIFT, #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH   /* 服务类型 */
    ubfx    x15, x0, #FUNCID_TYPE_SHIFT, #FUNCID_TYPE_WIDTH /* 调用类型 */
    orr    x16, x16, x15, lsl #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH

    /* __RT_SVC_DESCS_START__为rt_svc_descs段的起始地址,此段存放服务描述符
     * RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE为服务句柄在服务描述符结构体中的偏移量
     * 以下代码保存第一个复位句柄的地址到x11中
    adr    x11, (__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ + RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE)

    /* Load descriptor index from array of indices */
    /* 因为描述符在内存中布局是乱的通过rt_svc_descs_indices数组来查找描述符在内存中的位置
     * rt_svc_descs_indices为rt_svc_descs的索引
    adr    x14, rt_svc_descs_indices
    ldrb    w15, [x14, x16]

     * Restore the saved C runtime stack value which will become the new
     * SP_EL0 i.e. EL3 runtime stack. It was saved in the 'cpu_context'
     * structure prior to the last ERET from EL3.
    ldr    x12, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]

     * Any index greater than 127 is invalid. Check bit 7 for
     * a valid index
    tbnz    w15, 7, smc_unknown/* 索引的值不应该大于127 */

    /* Switch to SP_EL0 */
    msr    spsel, #0

     * Get the descriptor using the index
     * x11 = (base + off), x15 = index
     * handler = (base + off) + (index << log2(size))
    lsl    w10, w15, #RT_SVC_SIZE_LOG2/* 计算偏移量 */
    ldr    x15, [x11, w10, uxtw]/* 加载出对应服务的句柄 */

     * Save the SPSR_EL3, ELR_EL3, & SCR_EL3 in case there is a world
     * switch during SMC handling.
     * TODO: Revisit if all system registers can be saved later.
    mrs    x16, spsr_el3
    mrs    x17, elr_el3
    mrs    x18, scr_el3
    stp    x16, x17, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]
    str    x18, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SCR_EL3]

    /* Copy SCR_EL3.NS bit to the flag to indicate caller's security */
    bfi    x7, x18, #0, #1/* x7用于传递给服务函数security state */

    mov    sp, x12

     * Call the Secure Monitor Call handler and then drop directly into
     * el3_exit() which will program any remaining architectural state
     * prior to issuing the ERET to the desired lower EL.
    cbz    x15, rt_svc_fw_critical_error/* x15等于0说明有错误存在 */
    blr    x15 /* 调用对应的服务 */

    b    el3_exit/* 异常恢复 */

     * Here we restore x4-x18 regardless of where we came from. AArch32
     * callers will find the registers contents unchanged, but AArch64
     * callers will find the registers modified (with stale earlier NS
     * content). Either way, we aren't leaking any secure information
     * through them.
    mov    w0, #SMC_UNK
    b    restore_gp_registers_callee_eret

    ldr    x30, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_LR]
    mov    w0, #SMC_UNK

    /* Switch to SP_ELx */
    msr    spsel, #1
    no_ret    report_unhandled_exception
endfunc smc_handler




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