棋子 · 2019年12月18日


我正在通过AMBA AXI规范,但是我对WSTRB信号的使用有疑问。在突发过程中,WSTRB的某些位可以低吗?同样,在突发的最后一次传输中,WSTRB的某些位可以低吗?例如,假设数据总线为32位宽并且在突发过程中,我可以传输数据0x11xx22xx(x表示无关)并将WSTRB设置为0b1010吗?

1 个回答 得票排序 · 时间排序
极术小姐姐 · 2019年12月18日


在此突发的第二次传输中,是的,您可以驱动WSTRB = 4'b1010以仅将有效字节发送到0x7和0x5。

Only if the burst type AWBURST is signalling INCR or WRAP. If the burst is FIXED type, the address would not increment.

But assuming you were looking at INCR bursts, yes, in this example the address would increment by 2 bytes (because AWSIZE was 3'b001).
If you are transferring data to both 0x1 and 0x3 in this transfer, AWSIZE must indicate at least a word wide transfer (3'b010).
Unfortunately I cannot say here because your AWSIZE value was wrong for the first part of this question.

If AWSIZE was correctly driven to 3'b010 for the first transfer, then yes, the local address would increment by 4.

Hope that gives you a more detailed response.
