极术小姐姐 · 2019年12月19日

AHB slave 2

Is there any possibilities that if write transaction is in progress and if burst is not completed then HWRITE will be low after some clock. i.e. if HWRITE is high and size is 32 and burst is INCR8, ADDR is 0x30. Then it is possible that after 4 cycle HWRITE will be low means when address is 0x40, HWRITE will be low. and if possible than what is the slave respose and HREADY?

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棋子 · 2019年12月19日



对于在这种早期突发终止情况下的从属响应,如果是导致终止的是从属,则将根据非OKAY响应时序来驱动HREADY / HRESP,如果是HGRANT的变化,则从属将简单地响应请求的任何传输。请注意,规范指出从站必须能够支持早期突发终止(请参见第3.6.1节“早期突发终止”)。
