棋子 · 2020年01月27日

error when compiling ClockDiv_XilinxS6.v on Nexys3

Dear All,

My question is very basic : how should I fix this error when compiling ClockDiv_XilinxS6.v on Nexys3 ? how i should change this verilog code ? the answer recored 56113 don't provide the needed code just only the technical/schematic solution.

Error : PhysDesignRules:2502 - Issue with pin connections and/or configuration on block:<uClockDiv/uBUFIO2>:<BUFIO2_BUFIO2>. BUFIO2 has an invalid setting of DIVIDE by 2. This setting is not supported. For more information please see Answer Record 56113.

1 个回答 得票排序 · 时间排序
极术小姐姐 · 2020年01月27日

Problem fixed by creating new Ip instead of clockDiv_XlinixS6.V : delete existent uclockdiv. Then create new IP : New source, IP (core generator), name: ClockDiv. Use wizard to create a simple clock div with only input(100MHz) and output (50 MHz)
